
  • 网络accuracy class;accuracy degree
  1. 针对目前GIS内装电能计量装置普遍存在准确度等级过低的问题,探讨出一套效果好、费用低廉的改造方法,该方法对非GIS电能计量装置存在的问题也同样具有改造效果。

    Aiming at the ubiquitous problem of excessively low accuracy class of electric energy metering devices in gas insulated switchgear ( GIS ), effective and economical altering approaches are studied , which are also applicable to non-GIS electric energy metering devices .

  2. 论文介绍了测量仪器特性评定的内容和基本方法,并对准确度等级的分类作了详细阐述。

    Then the factors of uncertainty in evaluation of characteristics of measuring instruments which should be considered were discussed according to accuracy class .

  3. 利用电位差计的高精度,设计出合理的实验电路对C31型电表进行校准,使得电表的准确度等级得以提高。

    This article puts forward the design of an experimental circuit based on the high precision of the potential difference for calibrating electric meter Series C13 as a reasonable solution for increased accuracy .

  4. 实验表明选通细化超声流量计准确度等级为1.5级。

    Experiment indicated that this flow meter reached 1.5 precision grade .

  5. 根据国家计量检定规程对系统进行了标定实验,结果表明该系统的准确度等级达到1.5级。

    The gauged experiment was presented according to national metrological verification rules .

  6. 重量分捡机准确度等级检定的研究

    Study on the detection of the degree of accuracy for the weighing sorting machine

  7. 利用字符综合特征(如连通性、中心点间距、对称性等特征),有效实现了仪表盘准确度等级和特殊参数符号的分割。

    Based on the combined features of characters such as connectivity , character central distance , symmetry etc , the meter accuracy grade and parameter symbols are segmented efficiently . 5 .

  8. 用水流标准装置对流量计进行了实流校验,进行了不确定度分析与计算,确定了流量计的准确度等级,从而证明了所设计系统的可行性。

    The real flow tests for flowmeter adopted waterflow standard devices are proceeded , analysed and calculated the uncertainty in measurement , established the accuracy grade , so the system design feasibility is proved .

  9. 便携式表面热电偶温度计受使用条件影响很大,因此,因检定条件和现场使用条件不同,使在计量部门定好的准确度等级,在现场使用时变得毫无意义。

    The measuring result of portable surface thermometer is affected greatly by the using condition , so the gived precision in the metrology department will become no using at scene because the difference between the calibrating condition and using condition .