
  • 网络impairment;depreciation reserve;impairment provision
  1. 现在的市场充满风险和不确定性,人们越来越重视资产的现行价值,而不是资产的历史价值,研究资产减值准备动机有利于利益相关者更好的计量创业板上市公司的资产价值。

    Now with the market risk and uncertainty , people pay more and more attention to assets , rather than the current value of the assets of the historical value and assets impairment motivation to study better measurement stakeholder value of assets GEM companies .

  2. 新准则下资产减值准备与会计稳健性的关系研究

    The Relationship of Asset Impairment and Accounting Conservatism under New Accounting Standards

  3. 谈计提资产减值准备的利与弊

    On Advantages and Disadvantages of Summing and Drawing Asset Reducing Value Preparation

  4. 关于固定资产计提减值准备若干问题探讨

    Discussion on Some Problems of Reduced - value Allowance for Fixed Assets

  5. 企业资产减值准备之思考

    Studies on Declined Value of Asset of Company in China

  6. 资产减值准备问题研究

    On Problems of Preparations for the Declined Value of Asset

  7. 浅议资产减值准备和上市公司利润操纵

    Analysis of impaired assets and profit handling on listed company

  8. 计提的各项资产减值准备累计金额。

    The accumulative amount of provision for the impairment of each asset ;

  9. 新会计制度中资产减值准备的计提

    Preparation for Counting and Drawing from Property Devaluation in New Accounting System

  10. 企业固定资产减值准备影响所得税会计的分析

    On Influence of Depreciation Preparation of Fixed Assets on Income Tax Accounting

  11. 阐述计提资产减值准备应遵循的原则和程序;

    Illustrated principles and process to follow for the preparation ;

  12. 资产减值准备与盈余管理的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Assets Depreciation Preparation and Earnings Management

  13. 新会计制度中的资产减值准备

    Allowance for Loss Due to Market Decline of Asset of New Accounting Principle

  14. 刍议资产减值准备计提管理

    Discussion on Management of Provision of Property Devalue Preparation

  15. 计提资产减值准备的理论基础是谨慎性原则。

    The theoretic basis of provisional capital depreciation is the principle of caution .

  16. 资产减值准备问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures About the Preparation of Assets Devalue

  17. 关于固定资产、无形资产减值准备核算的几点建议

    Some suggestions on the Write-down Reserve Account of Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets

  18. 论石油企业计提资产减值准备的难点及解决途径

    Amortization of Impaired Assets in China 's Oil Enterprises : Difficulties and Approaches

  19. 资产减值准备政策选择的经济学分析

    The Economics Analysis of Impairment of Assets Policy Choosing

  20. 资产减值准备的计提能提高资产的质量;

    The allocation of impairment of assets reserves may improve quality of asset ;

  21. 金融稳定性与公允价值会计准则的优化&基于动态减值准备的思考

    Financial stability and optimization of Fair Value Accounting : A Dynamic Provision Perspective

  22. 计提资产减值准备之我见

    My Opinions on the Reserve for Abatement of Assets

  23. 新准则资产减值准备的变更对企业利润的影响

    On Preparations of Asset Reduction in New Accounting Norms

  24. 减值准备合理性的案例分析

    A Case Analysis Based on the Rationality of the Allowance for Assets Impairment

  25. 从提取减值准备看资产管理的新要求

    The new demand of capital management from distilling devaluation

  26. 八项资产减值准备的实务处理

    Actual handling of depreciated assets reserves of 8 items

  27. 论资产减值准备计提中的现值计量问题

    Issues on present value measurement during calculating for reserve

  28. 存货减值准备对所得税的影响

    A Brief Analysis of the Impact of Inventory Impairment Reserve on Income tax

  29. 资产减值准备的相关问题探讨

    Discussion on Relative Problems on Asset Impairments Preparation

  30. 对资产减值准备明细表编制的一点思考

    On Compiling Subsidiary Ledger for Capital Reduction Preparation