
Although non typhoidal febrile children manifested false positive Widal test , agglutinin level at titre of 1 ∶ 800 was only found in a few patients .
Dietary selenium and vitamin E separately had significant effects on all humoral immune indices , including PO , lysozyme , and agglutinin activity and serum total protein concentration .
Injection . The efficacy of vaccines was evaluated by the measurement of alternative complement activity , lysozyme , antibody titre of the serum and the respective challenge of two bacteria .
Temperature ( 4 ℃、 22 ℃ or 37 ℃) had little influence on HA titer , but the change of component in diluent had great influence .
The results indicated that the agglutination titer of prepared reference can reach the orginal level of pertussis I phase serum , especially , the preparation under 0.1 % formalin at 25 ℃ for 96-120 hours .
The various characteristics of lectin ? one of shrimp ? s essential humoral immunological factors were researched , including haemagglutinating titre of adult shrimps ? lectins against erythrocytes from several vertebrate species and its variation followed by the changes of season , body sizes et al .
The results indicated that serum of three kinds of vaccinated mandarinfish had no significant difference in compared with the control group ( P > 0.05 ) in agglutination titer .
The agglutinating antibody titers of immune group were highest after 28 days .
In the 250 , and 1000 mg / kg groups , the maximum agglutinating antibody titer was 1 ∶ 32.The climax of every index was observed from week 2 to week 3 .
After being orally immunized with the microencapsulated vaccine , the agglutinating antibody titers in the serum and bactericidal percent of the blood leucocytes of soft-shelled turtles reached a level equivalent to that of injection with formalin-inactivated cultures and was significantly higher than that of control group .
However , the agglutination titers of serum from 150 normal controls were less than 1:40 ( + - ) .
Therefore , we suggest that the serum titer , which is higher than 1 : 40 ( + ), be referential to the clinical diagnosis of Acinetobacter infections .
The experimental results showed that the agglutinating antibody titer and cross agglutinating antibody titer of immunized mandarinfish were higher than the control group , and the phagocytic activity of leucocytes in the blood of immunized mandarinfish was significantly boosted and had a high level cross RPS .
The hemagglutination activity of TGL-hemolymph depended on Ca2 + , and it showed the highest hemagglutination activity in pH 7.0 . Thermostability was not high . The agglutinating activities changed from 25 to 21 between 30-70 ℃, and was completely destroyed beyond 80 ℃ .