
  • 网络Food poisoning;bacterial food poisoning
  1. 中山市细菌性食物中毒流行特征分析及预防对策

    Analysis of Epidemiological Features of Bacterial Food Poisoning in Zhongshan

  2. 一起由肺炎克雷伯菌肺炎亚种引起的细菌性食物中毒

    A Bacterial Food Poisoning Induced by Bacteria Klebsiella Pneumoniae Subspecies

  3. 2004-2007年北京市宣武区细菌性食物中毒检测结果分析

    Surveillance of bacterial food poisoning in Xuanwu district , Beijing , 2004-2007

  4. 常见细菌性食物中毒快速检测试剂盒研制

    Development of Rapid Detection Kit for Common Pathogenic Bacteria of Food Poisoning

  5. 深圳市细菌性食物中毒病原菌的调查与预防

    Investigation on the Pathogen of Bacterial Food Poisoning in ShenZhen

  6. 2000年~2003年广西细菌性食物中毒流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis of bacterial food poisoning in Guangxi , during 2000 ~ 2003

  7. 50起家庭细菌性食物中毒流行病学调查分析心路历程&食物

    Epidemiological research and analysis of 50 outbreaks of bacterial food poisoning in households

  8. 一起原因不明的细菌性食物中毒调查

    A Survey No Reason of Food Poisoning Research

  9. 副溶血性弧菌是细菌性食物中毒的主要致病原(78.6%);

    Vibrio parahaemolyticus was major pathogen for bacterial food poisonings ( 78.6 % ) .

  10. 1994-2003年我国766起细菌性食物中毒分析

    Analysis on 766 Events of Bacterial Food Poisoning in China from 1994 to 2003

  11. 上海地区细菌性食物中毒季节和气候特征分析

    An analysis on the seasonal and climatic characteristic of bacterial food poisoning in Shanghai

  12. 深圳市南山区2008年疑似细菌性食物中毒检测分析

    Results of detection of suspected bacterial food poisoning in Nanshan District , Shenzhen in 2008

  13. 食物中的铁质尤为重要。葡萄球菌性食物中毒是最常见的一种细菌性食物中毒。

    Iron is particularly important . Staphylococcal food poisoning is the most common bacterial food poisoning .

  14. 副溶血性弧菌是引起我国特别是沿海地区细菌性食物中毒危害的首要食源性致病菌。

    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the most prevalent foodborne pathogen in China , especially in the coastal cities .

  15. 重庆市1999年-2003年细菌性食物中毒事故分析及预防控制措施探讨

    Analysis of bacterial food poisoning in Chongqing during the 1999-2003 period and discussion on the prevention and control measure

  16. 其中,化学性食物中毒122起,中毒994人,死亡6人;细菌性食物中毒74起,中毒1983人,死亡1人;

    Among them , there were 122 cases of chemical food poisoning with 994 poisoned people and 6 dead people ;

  17. 食物载体难以确定。结论细菌性食物中毒有其规律性,根据其内在的特点,采取相应的预防措施,将有助于预防其发生。

    Conclusion Bacterial food poisoning has its own epidemic features , which is helpful to prevent and control the disease .

  18. 方法用回顾性流行病学方法分析中山市1998~2004年细菌性食物中毒流行情况。

    Methods Retrospective epidemiological method was used to analyze the prevalence of bacterial food poisoning from 1998 to 2004 in Zhongshan City .

  19. 常见的夏季传染病中,以「病从口入」产生的细菌性食物中毒、急性杆菌性痢疾最为常见。

    The most common infections in summer are food poisoning caused by bacteria and acute shigellosis which are both food borne illnesses .

  20. 结果:实验室检验排除细菌性食物中毒,且测出样品中植物血球凝集素凝效价为1:256。

    Result : The laboratory test excluded bacterial food poisoning and determined the agglomerate efficiency of botanic corpuscular agglutinin was 1:256 in the speciment .

  21. 结论中山市近年来细菌性食物中毒主要发生在集体食堂,且致病因素发生变化,以变形杆菌和副溶血性弧菌引起的食物中毒为主。

    Conclusion Food poisoning in Zhongshan City in recent years mostly occurred in collective canteens , the pathogens for which were mainly proteus and vibrio parahaemolyticus .

  22. 食品安全突发事件频率高是近年来食品安全问题的一个显著特点,在各种食品安全事件中,细菌性食物中毒则是食物中毒的重要因素。

    Food safety emergencies are high frequency in recent years . In these problems , the food poisoning result of Bacterial Pathogens was the most harmful .

  23. 结果中山市1998~2004年共发生细菌性食物中毒69起,中毒人数3172人,平均每起中毒人数46人。

    Results There were 69 food poisoning events and 3172 poisoned persons from 1998 to 2004 in Zhongshan with an average of 46 persons in each events .

  24. 在我国细菌性食物中毒中,70%~80%由沙门氏菌引起,鸡肉、猪肉、牛肉等肉制品是沙门氏菌常污染的食品。

    Salmonella accounts for 70 % ~ 80 % of bacterial foodborne illness in China . Chicken , beef , pork and other retail meats are often contaminated with Salmonella .

  25. 本病例死因应为细菌性食物中毒而非肝硬化。一起食物中毒的病原菌的快速诊断及溯源

    It is concluded that the cause of death in this case was botulism rather than hepatocirrhosis . Rapid diagnosis and source tracing of a case of food poisoning 's pathogenic bacteria

  26. 食物中毒的致病因素60.6%为细菌性食物中毒,细菌性食物中毒中40.3%是由副溶血性弧菌引起,占细菌性食物中毒的第一位。

    Bacterium is the main factors resulting in food poisoning ( 60.6 % ) . Vibrio parahaemolyticus is the first common pathogen of all the bacillary food poisoning ( 40.3 % ) .

  27. 目的了解深圳市近年来发生细菌性食物中毒病原菌的特点,为制定细菌性食物中毒的预防控制策略提供科学依据。

    Objective To understand the characteristic of pathogenic bacterium leading to bacillary food poisoning in Shenzhen City in recent years , and provide scientific evidence to make prevention and monitoring measures for bacillary food poisoning .

  28. 1998年以来的报道显示,副溶血性弧菌引发的食物中毒的发生规模及人群暴露规模呈明显上升趋势,均已超过沙门氏菌,跃居我国细菌性食物中毒的首位。

    Since 1998 , reports indicated that the scale of food poisoning and exposure induced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus showing a rising trend , had exceeded salmonella , ranking the first of bacterial food poisoning of China .

  29. 据统计,我国细菌性食物中毒中,有70%~80%是由沙门菌引起,而引起沙门菌中毒的食品,约90%是肉、蛋、奶等动物性食品。

    It was statistical that 70 % ~ 80 % of the food poisoning was caused by Salmonella , and 90 % of the poisoning foods were animal products such as meat , egg and milk .

  30. 细菌性食物中毒主要集中在第三季度,有毒动植物性食物中毒多发于第四季度,主要集中在10月份及11月上旬;

    Bacterial food poisoning happened mainly in the third quarter of the year , and the toxic animals and plants based food poisoning appeared mainly in the October and November in the last quarter of the year .