
  1. 虽然非伤寒患儿肥达反应可呈假阳性反应,但O、H抗体凝集效价极少达到1∶800。

    Although non typhoidal febrile children manifested false positive Widal test , agglutinin level at titre of 1 ∶ 800 was only found in a few patients .

  2. 饲料中的se和VE对酚氧化酶(PO)、溶菌酶、凝集效价和血清总蛋白含量等体液免疫指标都有显著的影响。

    Dietary selenium and vitamin E separately had significant effects on all humoral immune indices , including PO , lysozyme , and agglutinin activity and serum total protein concentration .

  3. 免疫剂量为0.2ml,每周采血1次,通过检测免疫后血清中替代途径补体活力、溶菌酶活力、抗体凝集效价的变化并分别进行攻毒试验比较疫苗的保护效果。

    Injection . The efficacy of vaccines was evaluated by the measurement of alternative complement activity , lysozyme , antibody titre of the serum and the respective challenge of two bacteria .

  4. 温度(4℃、22℃、37℃)对同种红细胞的凝集效价影响不大,稀释液成分对效价影响很大。

    Temperature ( 4 ℃、 22 ℃ or 37 ℃) had little influence on HA titer , but the change of component in diluent had great influence .

  5. 结果表明,以浓度0.1%Formalin溶液25℃灭活96-120小时制备的无细胞百日咳菌苗毒性试验参考苗,凝集效价仍可达到百日咳Ⅰ相血清原效价;

    The results indicated that the agglutination titer of prepared reference can reach the orginal level of pertussis I phase serum , especially , the preparation under 0.1 % formalin at 25 ℃ for 96-120 hours .

  6. 本论文重点研究了一种重要的对虾体液免疫因子&凝集素的各种性质,包括成虾血淋巴中的凝集素对各种动物红细胞的凝集效价以及其随季节、体长等因素的变化。

    The various characteristics of lectin ? one of shrimp ? s essential humoral immunological factors were researched , including haemagglutinating titre of adult shrimps ? lectins against erythrocytes from several vertebrate species and its variation followed by the changes of season , body sizes et al .

  7. 结果表明,经3种疫苗浸泡接种后的鱼体血清中凝集抗体效价与对照组鱼没有显著差别(P>0.05);

    The results indicated that serum of three kinds of vaccinated mandarinfish had no significant difference in compared with the control group ( P > 0.05 ) in agglutination titer .

  8. 免疫组血清凝集抗体效价逐渐增高,28d时最高;

    The agglutinating antibody titers of immune group were highest after 28 days .

  9. 400mg/kg组、500mg/kg和600mg/kg组的血清凝集抗体效价最高为1∶256250mg/kg和1000mg/kg组的血清凝集抗体效价最高为1∶32。各项指标的峰值出现在第2~3周。

    In the 250 , and 1000 mg / kg groups , the maximum agglutinating antibody titer was 1 ∶ 32.The climax of every index was observed from week 2 to week 3 .

  10. 结果表明,中华鳖口服微球疫苗,其血清中凝集抗体效价和血液中白细胞杀菌百分率均可达到灭活菌液注射组相当的水平(P>0.05),显著高于对照组(P<0.01);

    After being orally immunized with the microencapsulated vaccine , the agglutinating antibody titers in the serum and bactericidal percent of the blood leucocytes of soft-shelled turtles reached a level equivalent to that of injection with formalin-inactivated cultures and was significantly higher than that of control group .

  11. 对150名健康人行血清学检测,结果为:不动杆菌凝集试验血清效价均不高于1:40(+)。

    However , the agglutination titers of serum from 150 normal controls were less than 1:40 ( + - ) .

  12. 由此结合临床提出,凝集试验血清效价高于1:40(+)为不动杆菌感染的寺参考诊断效价。

    Therefore , we suggest that the serum titer , which is higher than 1 : 40 ( + ), be referential to the clinical diagnosis of Acinetobacter infections .

  13. 结果表明,与对照组相比,受免鱼血清中均可产生较高的凝集及交叉凝集抗体效价,血液中白细胞的吞噬活性极显著地升高,而且具有较高的交叉RPS。

    The experimental results showed that the agglutinating antibody titer and cross agglutinating antibody titer of immunized mandarinfish were higher than the control group , and the phagocytic activity of leucocytes in the blood of immunized mandarinfish was significantly boosted and had a high level cross RPS .

  14. 凝集活性依赖于Ca2+,在pH7.0较稳定,热稳定性不高,在30℃-70℃时凝集效价由原来的25下降为21,当温度超过80℃以后,凝血活性完全丧失。

    The hemagglutination activity of TGL-hemolymph depended on Ca2 + , and it showed the highest hemagglutination activity in pH 7.0 . Thermostability was not high . The agglutinating activities changed from 25 to 21 between 30-70 ℃, and was completely destroyed beyond 80 ℃ .