
  • 网络Fengyang county
  1. 凤阳县野生白头翁生物学特性的研究

    Study on the Biological Character of the Wild Pasqueflower in Fengyang

  2. 安徽省凤阳县高中校本美术课程的研究

    Research of School-based Arts Curricular in Fengyang High School , Anhui Province

  3. 气象灾害对凤阳县烤烟质量的影响及防灾减灾对策

    Effect of Meteorological Disasters on Quality of Flue-Cured Tobacco and Countermeasures

  4. 安徽省凤阳县五种恙螨季节分布的研究

    Studies on seasonal distributions of five trombiculid mites in Feng-yang County of Anhui Province

  5. 安徽省凤阳县农村居民点用地集约利用潜力研究

    On intensive utilization potential of rural residential centres in Fengyang county , Anhui province

  6. 凤阳县烤烟生产现状与烟稻连作栽培技术

    The Current Situation of Tobacco Production in Fengyang County and the Comprehensive Culture Technique of Rice and Tobacco

  7. 大学生农村创业基地建设&以凤阳县大学生创业基地为例

    The Entrepreneurial Base Construction of Students in the Countryside & An Example of the Students Entrepreneurial Base in FengYang

  8. 完善大学生村官制度的思考&以安徽省凤阳县为例

    Thoughts on the Improvement of Mechanism Related to College Student-turned Village Officials : A Case Study of FengYang County in Anhui Province

  9. 安徽大学大四学生赵灿(音译)则参观了凤阳花鼓戏的发源地——凤阳县。

    Zhao Can , a senior at Anhui University , toured Fengyang county where Fengyang Flower Drum Opera originated .