
chū kǒu zhuǎn nèi xiāo
  • Export to domestic sales;export-oriented commodities sold at home
  1. 文章最后提出了FG集团公司实施出口转内销营销策略和保障措施。

    In summary , the author , forwarded marketing strategies and supporting measures for FG Group Corporation to take on domestic sales of export-oriented commodities .

  2. 出口转内销的商品可能在街道市场上骗卖。

    Export rejects may be palmed off in the street markets .

  3. 买一台出口转内销的电视机

    Buy an export-oriented TV set shifted to home market

  4. 中国体育行业内的生产型企业开始做品牌,出口转内销

    Production companies in the Chinese sports industry begin to create their own brand , turning to the domestic market instead of export market

  5. 柳井正全球战略的一部分目标就是把旗下产品拥有的良好国际声誉“出口转内销”至国内。

    Part of Yanai 's global push is aimed at reflecting a better international image of the company 's products back into its home market .

  6. 对于如何才能使老百姓的收入得到持续性的增长,从而更有效的配合国家扩大内需、出口转内销的政策,减税成为了民众和学者热议的焦点。

    Although the government How to make people get a sustained growth , so that it can more effectively with the country to expand domestic demand , domestic exports policy , tax cuts have become the people and scholars focus of discussion .

  7. 此外,还针对农产品销售企业提出了六条改革发展建议,对农产品出口转内销企业提出了合理建议,对促进农产品销售企业的发展具有重要意义。

    Besides , we put forward six proposals to sales of agricultural products business for reform and development , including the suggest to the export enterprises transform to domestic sale enterprises . It has great significance meaning to promote the development of agricultural products marketing enterprises .

  8. 贸易出口总额的急剧下降,数量巨大的滞销服装只能出口转内销。

    The trade total export 's sudden drop , the quantity giant unsalable clothing can only export transfers selling internally .

  9. 为缓解出口压力,加快贸易方式的转型升级,众多企业选择出口转内销,但是面对国内市场,纺织服装企业遇到更多困难,导致纺织服装企业进退维谷。

    In order to relieve export pressure and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of trade pattern , many enterprises selected to turn export to domestic sale .