
chū zū chē
  • taxi;taxi-cab;hack;hackney carriage
  1. 出租车司机在车站接了一名乘客。

    The taxi driver picked up a fare at the station .

  2. 我们最好叫辆出租车送你回家。

    We 'd better call a taxi and get you home .

  3. 外边停着二十几辆汽车和几辆出租车。

    Several cabs and a score of cars were parked outside .

  4. 你看着行李,我去找出租车。

    You stay there with the luggage while I find a cab .

  5. 在车站外可搭乘出租车。

    You 'll be able to get a taxi outside the station .

  6. 你将需要准备好付小费和乘出租车之类的杂项开销。

    You 'll need money for incidentals such as tips and taxis .

  7. 旅馆召了辆出租车等着接我们。

    The hotel had a taxi waiting to collect us .

  8. 出租车滑行了一段路后,及时停了下来。

    The taxi skidded to a halt just in time .

  9. 一辆出租车匆匆把我送到旅馆外面,让我下了车。

    I was whisked off in a taxi and deposited outside the hotel .

  10. 在等我们的时候,出租车司机让计程表继续走字。

    The cab driver left the meter running while he waited for us .

  11. 我想还是坐出租车回去的好。

    I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home .

  12. 我们坐出租车,好节省时间。

    We 'll take a cab to save time .

  13. 我们向市郊走了好几条街才找到一辆出租车。

    We walked uptown a couple of blocks until we found a cab .

  14. 出租车司机把发动机发动起来。

    The taxi driver revved up his engine .

  15. 我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。

    I 'll call a taxi for you .

  16. 那个出租车司机不肯帮忙。

    The taxi driver was being very unhelpful .

  17. 怎么就这么一直走?难道我们就不能打辆出租车吗?

    What 's with all this walking ? Can 't we take a cab ?

  18. 出租车准时到了。

    The taxi showed up on the dot .

  19. 要我给你叫辆出租车吗?

    Shall I order a taxi for you ?

  20. 您付出租车费好吗?

    Would you mind paying the taxi driver ?

  21. 出租车在房子外面停了下来。

    The cab drew up outside the house .

  22. 公共汽车从后面撞来,出租车上的两位乘客受了伤。

    Two passengers were injured when their taxi was rammed from behind by a bus .

  23. 你打电话叫辆出租车来好吗?

    Could you ring for a cab ?

  24. 我们最好乘出租车。

    We 'd better take a taxi .

  25. 我来打电话给你叫辆出租车。

    I 'll call you a taxi .

  26. 要我给你叫辆出租车吗?

    Shall I order you a taxi ?

  27. 我招呼了一辆路过的出租车。

    I hailed a passing taxi .

  28. 等出租车在这里排队。

    Queue here for taxis .

  29. 正常情况下,他的唯一运动就是上下出租车。

    In the normal run of things the only exercise he gets is climbing in and out of taxis .

  30. 他让一辆出租车等着带他到火车站去。

    He had a taxi waiting to take him to the train