
  1. 出资者财务控制与国企资本化管理

    Financial control of proprietor and capitalization management in state-owned enterprises

  2. 实现国有企业出资者财务目标必须收取现金收益

    The Government Should Set up Cash Goal in State-owned Enterprises

  3. 资本结构动态优化过程中的出资者财务风险管理研究

    Financial Risk Management Research for the Investor in the Process of Dynamic Optimization of Capital Structure

  4. 出资者财务管理,是出资者为实现资本报酬最大化,对其投入企业的资本运营及其体现的企业行为进行的管理。

    The theory of investor finance argues that investors run their capital and enterprise operation in order to maxi - mize capital return .

  5. 略论出资者财务监督与财务总监制如何构造适合国情的公司治理监督机制&论我国监事会的功能定位

    A Brief Discussion of the Investors ' Financial Supervision and the Chief Financial Supervisor Establish Corporate Governance with Chinese Characteristics & On the Functions of Board of Supervisor

  6. 经营者财务与出资者财务在财务主体、产权基础、财务对象及财务目标方面都存在差异。

    It also comparatively analyzes the different features of TIF and TMF from the following five aspects : financial subject , property rights basis , financial object , investment operation and financial target .

  7. 具体包括集团财务控制的概念、特征和目标;另外还论述了集团财务控制理论中的内部控制理论、委托代理理论和出资者财务控制理论;本章最后还描述了集团财务控制的方式。

    It includes the concept , characteristics and objectives of financial control . This chapter also discusses the financial control theory of internal control theory , the principal-agent theory and control theory of financial donors .

  8. 出资者财务以资本的终极所有权为依据,以资本的安全和增值为目的,对其出资及运用状况进行管理,是一种间接约束机制;

    As a indirect mechanism of restraint , investor 's finance is based on final owership of capital , with the goal of safty and value-increasing of the capital , and Supervise investment and the use of capital .

  9. 因此,建立一套基于财务分层管理理论和现金运动论的新型财务风险分层管理理论和方法体系,对出资者财务风险和经营者财务风险进行分层管理,具有重要的理论和现实意义。

    Therefore , a new financial risk management theory and methods on the basis of levelly financial management theory and cash movement theory should be established , the new financial risk levelly management theory and methods are meaningful in theory and reality .

  10. 这些现象表明加强出资者对经营的财务监督是十分必要的。

    These phenomena produce that it is very necessary to monitor the operators'finance done by investors .

  11. 在出资者所有权和法人财产权相分离的现代企业制度下,建立在资金运动论基础之上的现有财务风险管理理论和方法已不能很好地满足出资者和经营者对财务风险管理的不同需要。

    Under modern enterprise system , current financial risk management theory and methods on the basis of fund movement theory , cannot meet the demands of investors and managers .