
  • 网络Analytical Test;analytical review
  1. 中原石油勘探局尝试利用中国石化审计软件(测试版)开展钻井系统财务收支审计,实际工作中根据需要,调用软件提供的帐务查询、财务指标计算等模块进行分析性测试。

    This software was applied to financial income and outcome ( balance ) audit in well drilling system in this Bureau , in practice , analytical tests were carried out with programs this software provided , such as accounting inquiry , financing target calculation .

  2. 通过实例&Needham-Schroeder协议分析了认证性测试方法存在不足的原因,并提出了改进方案。

    The paper also presented the reason of limitation through the analyzing of Needham-Schroeder protocol and given the scheme of improving authentication tests method .

  3. 在分析研究随机性测试技术的基础上,本文讨论了一个基于熵测度原理的随机性测试系统的设计与实现。

    On the basis of analyzing and investigating the random testing technology , this paper discusses the design and realization of a random testing system .

  4. X光、化学分析和物性测试表明,化学处理对自然金的物性、化学成分和结构无明显影响。

    The testing of X-ray , chemical analysis and physical property indicates that the chemical treatment has no evident effect on the physical property , chemical composition and structure of native gold .

  5. 本文提出了对混沌数据进行适当处理产生伪随机序列用于数字语音保密通信的方法,并对该序列进行了抗破译能力分析及随机性测试。

    This paper presents a method of generating pseudo-random sequence by processing chaos data and the sequence is applied to the digital speech secure communication . The sequence 's ability of anti-decipher is analyzed and its capability of random is tested .

  6. 首先提出了基于UML顺序图的测试场景生成算法,然后分析了多态性在测试场景生成过程中的影响,最后给出了针对多态性影响的解决方案。

    The algorithm of test scenario generation was brought forward based on UML sequence diagram , and then the affection of polymorphic in the process of test scenario generation was analyzed . Finally , the countermeasure was given .

  7. 船台滑道结构有限元分析及其基桩完整性测试

    FEM Analysis on Building Berth and Chute Structure and the Low Strain Test on Its Pile Foundation

  8. 在功能测试的重要方法边界值测试中,本文基于边界值分析提出了健壮性测试、最坏情况测试和特殊值测试方法,并与其他测试方法作了一个比较。

    In border-value method , I have the strong-value analysis method , worst-value testing method and non-common testing method . And I compare them in many aspects .

  9. 在测试过程中,使用各种自动化的技术来启用压力/负载测试、内存泄漏分析、数据完整性测试,和回归测试。

    Various automation techniques were employed to enable stress / load testing , memory leak analysis , data integrity testing , and regression testing throughout the test effort .

  10. 由于团队利用大量的自动化功能,因此压力/负载测试、内存泄漏分析、数据完整性测试,和回归测试都将执行。

    Stress / load testing , memory leak analysis , data integrity testing , and regression testing were all performed due to the extensive automation capabilities exploited by the team .

  11. 应用该系统可对心电自动分析软件进行权威性测试,得出这些心电分析软件的性能参数,对其质量进行客观的比较和评价。

    Using this system , ECG automatic analysis software can be tested authoritatively , and made out the analysis performance of the software , compared and evaluated the quality of the software objectively .

  12. 通过间接评价法与直接评价法的抗冻性试验对比,分析烧结试样抗冻性测试方法的合理性、可行性与适用性。

    Through the comparison of " indirect Evaluation Method " and " Direct Evaluation Method " of frost resistance testing , the article analyses the rationalization , feasibility and adaptability of testing methods of fired products ' frost resistance .