
fēn zhōng
  • minute;min
分钟[fēn zhōng]
  1. 这个开关控制着每分钟的转数。

    This switch controls the number of rotations per minute .

  2. 怀斯在比赛进行到15分钟的时候出人意料地得分。

    Wise scored in the 15th minute against the run of play .

  3. 紧急求助电话的平均回应时间是9分钟。

    The average response time to emergency calls was 9 minutes .

  4. 她多待了几分钟,想跟尼克谈一谈。

    She lingered for a few minutes to talk to Nick .

  5. 我们两点钟到达,十分钟后离开。

    We arrived at two o'clock and left at ten past .

  6. 搅好面糊以后,放上二十分钟。

    Mix the batter and let it stand for twenty minutes .

  7. 每个公司有十分钟时间进行推销宣传。

    Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch .

  8. 我给你十分钟时间准备回答。

    I 'll give you ten minutes to prepare your answer .

  9. 我们赶到机场时还剩五分钟。

    We arrived at the airport with five minutes to spare .

  10. 人们静默两分钟以示尊敬。

    A two-minute silence was held as a mark of respect .

  11. 每次我们得分,几分钟后便被追上。

    Each time we scored we were pegged back minutes later .

  12. 从这里到镇上乘公共汽车要花十分钟。

    It 's a ten-minute bus ride from here to town .

  13. 为总统安排日程的官员留出了90分钟的电视采访时间。

    The President 's schedulers allowed 90 minutes for TV interviews .

  14. 打电话后几分钟内救护车就到了。

    The ambulance arrived within minutes of the call being made .

  15. 两名幸存者受困二十分钟后才被解救出来。

    Two survivors were cut free after being trapped for twenty minutes .

  16. 煮几分钟把汤熬浓。

    Condense the soup by boiling it for several minutes .

  17. 牛排两面各煎两分钟。

    Fry the steaks for two minutes on each side .

  18. 从这里去办公室要步行十分钟。

    The office is ten minutes ' walk from here .

  19. 你真不走运——她十分钟前才离开。

    You 're out of luck ─ she left ten minutes ago .

  20. 几分钟后我们的眼睛就适应了黑暗。

    After a few minutes our eyes got used to the darkness .

  21. 库根跑出了刚好低于四分钟的个人最好成绩。

    Coogan has run a personal best of just under four minutes .

  22. 我们五分钟后便气喘吁吁了。

    We were out of breath after only five minutes .

  23. 他用了不到四分钟就跑完一英里。

    He ran the mile in less than four minutes .

  24. 几分钟就全部结束了。

    It was all over in a matter of minutes .

  25. 她只花了20分钟就赢了。

    It took her a mere 20 minutes to win .

  26. 比赛才开始五分钟,他就因伤退场。

    He retired hurt in the first five minutes of the game .

  27. 火车迟了20分钟到站。

    The train arrived at the station 20 minutes late .

  28. 过了几分钟她才恢复知觉。

    It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness .

  29. 你能不能匀出五分钟来不去想工作?

    Could you possibly forget about work for five minutes ?

  30. 离演出开始还有五分钟,剧场里已座无虚席。

    It 's five minutes to showtime and the theatre is packed .