
liè bīng
  • private;private soldier;seaman;squaddie
列兵 [liè bīng]
  • [private; seaman] 军衔,兵士的最低一级

列兵[liè bīng]
  1. 中士和下士的人数超过了列兵。

    Sergeants and corporals outnumber private soldiers .

  2. 他是一名列兵。

    He is a buck private .

  3. 美国陆军列兵约翰·G·伯内特写道:切罗基族人所遭受的苦难极其残酷,他们被放逐的一路上横尸无数,他们睡在马车里或没有取暖用火的野地上。

    US Army Private John G. Burnett writes : The sufferings of the Cherokee were awful . The trail of the exiles was a trail of death . They slept in the wagons and on the ground without fire .

  4. 当我们沿着原木穿过河流的时候,列兵鲁宾(Rybin)滑了一跤跌进了河里。

    When crossing the river over the logs , Private Rybin slipped and fell into the water .

  5. 班布里奇列兵找我们问私事,长官。

    Private Bainbridge contacted us about a personal matter , sir .

  6. 你知道的,我是个列兵。

    I am , as you know , a Private .

  7. 我会推荐你上军官预备学校,列兵阿甘。

    I 'd recommend you for o.c.s. , private gump .

  8. 我是皇家禁卫队的列兵

    I 'm a Private in Her Majestys Household Guard .

  9. 江列兵是其中一名失踪人员!

    Private jung 's one of the missing men !

  10. 班布里奇列兵刚换班。

    Private Bainbridge had just come off guard duty .

  11. 因擅离岗位,这处下士被降为了列兵。

    For being absent without leave , the corporal was demoted to private .

  12. 江列兵的头被割掉,而现在欧军士也死了。

    Private Jung gets his head chopped off and now sergeant oh 's dead .

  13. 他从军士降为列兵。

    He was broken from sergeant to private .

  14. 军官进屋时每一位列兵必须立正站好。

    Every private soldier must stand to attention when an officer enters the room .

  15. 第二天我仍然是一名列兵,最高的职务是担任伙食值勤员。

    The next day I was still a buck private with KP as my highest duty .

  16. 这位将军以列兵身份开始他的戎马生涯,最后竟成为国家的统治者。

    To The general began his army life as a private soldier and landed up as ruler of his country .

  17. 军士长命令士兵靠拢.士兵分为列兵、专业军士、军士长。

    The sergeant-major ordered the men to close up . Soldiers are classified as Private , Specialist Sergeant and Master Sergeant .

  18. 之后应征参加联合部队,成为了一名列兵。战争之后,他学习法律,并开设了自己的办公室。

    He enlisted as a private in the Union Army . After the war he studied law and opened his own office .

  19. 就士兵而言,他们也有自己的军衔,如列兵,专业军士,军士长等。

    As far as soldiers are concerned , they have their own ranks , such as Private , Specialist Sergeant , Master Sergeant .

  20. 准备就绪,两个列兵站到一旁,把各自的脚踏板抽走。

    The preparations being complete , the two private soldiers stepped aside and each drew away the plank upon which he had been standing .

  21. 对侧乳腺有20%的患癌风险,且其大多数在同一乳腺呈多中心发生。图中可见肿瘤细胞的列兵样排列。

    There is about a20 % chance that the opposite breast will also be involved , and many of them arise multicentrically in the same breast .

  22. 军事组织酷似圆锥体,直径最大的底部是由列兵组成的;

    The military organisation may be with perfect accuracy compared to the figure of a cone , the base of which , with the largest diameter , consists of privates ;

  23. 把这样一个民族赶进军营里去,叫他们一遍遍操练,封他们当列兵、中士、上校及诸如此类的事真是罪孽。

    It 's a crime to herd such a people into barracks , to put them through exercises , to grade them into privates and sergeants and colonels and what not .

  24. 列兵哈利波特在以色列的墓地成为当地一个著名的旅游景点,这是因为他和世界上著名的魔法师哈利波特同名。

    The grave of Private Harry Potter in Israel has become one of Israel 's top tourist attractions thanks to the fact he shares his name with the world 's most famous wizard .