
  • 网络Entrepreneurial conditions
  1. 创业三条件:坚忍的毅力、向前冲的傻劲、智慧比聪明重要。

    Three guidelines of entrepreneurship : persevering resolution , aggressive mettle , and the realization that wisdom supersedes intelligence .

  2. 文章从创业的主观条件与客观环境条件两个方面分析了农民工返乡创业可行性,在此基础上借助SWOT模型对农民工创业的优势、劣势、机会、威胁进行总体分析。

    This paper analysis the feasibility of the migrant workers on the base of subjective and the objective environmental conditions and give overall analysis by the model SWOT which can show the peasants ' strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats .

  3. 所以本文还采用了定性分析方法,对创业板上市条件做一个更全面的比较。

    So this paper also adopted the qualitative analysis method .

  4. 中国城市创业制度环境条件研究

    A Study on Entrepreneurial Institutional Environment of China Cities

  5. 然后是国内创业板上市条件的具体法律分析,说明了企业为什么热衷于去海外上市的一个法律背景。

    Then the article elaborates the GEM listing conditions specific legal analysis , explains a legal background of the reason why enterprises keen to go overseas .

  6. 基于创业制度环境一致条件下社会关系对创业活动的影响研究

    A Study about How Does Social Relationships Influence Entrepreneurship Activity under the Same Entrepreneurship Institutional Environment Condition

  7. 花点时间想想这些问题,不妨进行深刻的自我反省。假如你还是认为自己具备创业所需的条件,那么就放手去干吧。

    Take some time to mull over these questions do some soul-searching and then if you think you have what it takes go for it .

  8. 在创业资本家风险规避条件下,债券-股权混合融资与可转换债券融资使得低风险战略实现的充要条件是相异的。

    When the VC is risk-aversion , the necessary-sufficient conditions for realizing low risk strategy under the mixed bond-equity financing and the convertible bond are different .

  9. 本文在分析女大学生创业教育意义、条件基础上,试提出了几点实践建议。

    Through the analysis of the conditions and significance as to the education of starting enterprises for female students , several practical suggestions will be put forward .

  10. 同时,由于校园网络的普及和大学生自主的学习能力,大学生基于网络创业有得天独厚的条件。

    At the same time , because of the campus network popularization and college students ' autonomous learning ability , based on the network pioneering have advantaged condition .

  11. 本文主要论述了创业核心要素与条件,同时分析了创业活动的核心要素之间的关系。

    The paper principally expounds the study on core elements and conditions in Nanjing creation , at the same time , it discusses the relationship between the core elements in creative activities .

  12. 只有创新地方政府的管理,转变政府职能,改革政府传统的行政管理方式,积极培育和引进民营经济的创业主体,创造条件解决民营经济在发展中的资源要素问题,才能促进民营经济的发展。

    We should bring forth new ideas in the regional government management , change their function , reform the traditional management way , introduce the private economy as the main body of business and solve the problems .

  13. 本研究选择了三类典型的女性群体,包括女性知识分子、女大学生和失业下岗女性,对其创业意愿、创业条件、创业能力、创业方向、创业预期等进行比较分析。

    This research paper makes a comparative analysis of the three typical female groups of intellectuals , college students and laid-offs in terms of their wishes , conditions , abilities , orientations and anticipations in starting their own businesses .

  14. 为新生代农民工创造良好的条件,鼓励有创业动机和创业条件的新生代农民工自主创业,在解决自身就业的同时创造更多的就业岗位,是解决新生代农民工就业问题的一条理想途径。

    It is an ideal way to solve the employment problem of new generation migrant workers by creating good conditions for the new generation migrant workers , and encouraging new generation migrant workers those have entrepreneurial motivation and conditions to start their own businesses and create more jobs .

  15. 大学本科生创业意识培养与创业条件浅析

    Undergraduate Entrepreneurship Training and Business Awareness of the Conditions

  16. 创业活跃程度的一个重要决定因素是创业的环境条件,创业活跃程度受到创业环境的制约。

    Entrepreneurial environmental conditions is an important determining factor to the entrepreneurial activity , the level of entrepreneurial activity restricted by the entrepreneurial environmental .

  17. 要使新的创业活动或使新企业给经济增长带来持续的活力,就需要不断改善创业环境,对创业环境条件的认识构成了评价城市创业环境的基础。

    To make sure that the new entrepreneurial activities or new enterprises bring about sustained economic growth , need to continuously improve the entrepreneurial environment , the awareness of entrepreneurial environmental conditions make up of the basis of evaluation urban entrepreneurial environment .

  18. 因此,大学生村官在农村创业过程中需要积极动员所能取得的社会资本,并运用社会资本整合创业资源,为创业富民准备条件。

    Therefore the students village officials need to actively mobilize the social capital that can be obtained in the process of rural entrepreneurs , and use social capital to integrate entrepreneurial resources , and prepare conditions for entrepreneurship .

  19. 研究结果表明:农民工返乡创业环境各构成要素发展极不均衡;大多数县或县级市政府扶持得分偏低。最后,提出了优化湖南省农民工返乡创业环境条件的对策建议。

    The results show that : Hunan migrant workers returning home for business environment elements of development pole disequilibrium ; most county or county-level city hall to support low scoring . finally , some suggestion were advocated to optimize environment of hunan returing peasants .