
  • 网络little;Littauer
  1. 结果,《CabinPorn:心中静默之处的灵感》(CabinPorn:InspirationforYourQuietPlaceSomewhere)一书将于本周(9月20日至9月26日)由利特尔-布朗出版社(Little,Brown)出版。

    The result , " Cabin Porn : Inspiration for Your Quiet Place Somewhere , " is out this week from Little , Brown .

  2. 答:《夜鹭》续集的草稿已经交给利特尔&布朗出版社(Little,Brown)的编辑们,计划明年上半年出版。

    A. The manuscript of " Night Heron " ' s sequel has just gone to the editors at Little , Brown and is due out in the first half of next year .

  3. 她经常去利特尔科特参加聚会和舞会。

    She often went to parties and dances at Littlecote

  4. 他们为利特尔伍兹服装店展示的那些服装每个女人都穿得起。

    The clothes they model for Littlewoods are all within easy reach of every woman

  5. 1792年的今天,拦路抢匪尼古拉斯·J·帕利特尔成为首位被送上断头台的人。

    1792-Highwayman Nicolas J.Pelletier becomes the first person executed by guillotine .

  6. 在伦敦政治经济学院(LondonSchoolofEconomics)念研究生时,鲍斯-利特尔被当时的高盛自营交易业务(该业务后来被禁止了)主管克里斯蒂安?西瓦-乔西(ChristianSiva-Jothy)迷住了。

    While a postgraduate student at the London School of Economics , he became mesmerised by the enigmatic Christian Siva-Jothy , then head of proprietary trading - which was subsequently banned - at Goldman Sachs .

  7. 就这样,一周之后,当时26岁的鲍斯-利特尔开始为参加开放麦克风之夜(OpenMicNight)做准备,那首《高升背包》练得他口干舌燥、焦躁不安。

    Which is how , a week later , Mr Bowes-Little , who was then 26 , found himself dry-mouthed and anxious preparing to deliver Goldman Rucksack on stage at an Open Mic night .

  8. 鲍斯-利特尔(JihanBowes-Little,见上图)那首写给自己背包的歌——《高盛背包》(GoldmanRucksack)。

    Jihan Bowes-Little 's ode to his bag , entitled " Goldman Rucksack . "

  9. 鲍斯-利特尔第二职业的灵感来自7年前,当时,在位于诺丁山的一家面向银行家的私人会所,他被说唱诗人索尔?威廉斯(SaulWilliams)的表演迷住了。

    The inspiration for his second career came seven years ago , when the American became transfixed watching Saul Williams , the spoken word poet .

  10. 就这样,一周之后,当时26岁的鲍斯-利特尔开始为参加“开放麦克风之夜”(OpenMicnight)做准备,那首《高升背包》练得他口干舌燥、焦躁不安。

    Which is how , a week later , Mr Bowes-Little , who was then 26 , found himself dry-mouthed and anxious preparing to deliver " Goldman Rucksack " on stage at an Open Mic night .

  11. 利特尔是如今仍蓬勃发展的美国综合企业德事隆集团(Textron)的创始人,他是一位风险投资先驱。

    Little was the founder of Textron , the US conglomerate that still thrives today , and a pioneer venture capitalist .

  12. 利特尔先生能为自己买许多漂亮的东西吗?

    Could Mr Little buy himself lots of nice things ?

  13. 在利特尔先生到达以前金先生已被送往医院。

    Mr King had been sent to hospital before Mr little got there .

  14. 是利特尔莫尔的电话在英格兰吗

    That 's the Littlemore number . In England ?

  15. 利特尔伍德杯决赛时,谁穿着利物浦的4号球衣?

    Who wore the number four shirt for LFC in the 1987 Littlewoods Cup final ?

  16. 公司的老板名叫利特尔,他讲了这个故事。

    The boss of the company , whose name was Mr Little , told the story .

  17. 西瓦-乔西在伦敦政治经济学院的演讲,让鲍斯-利特尔“一下子爱上了证券交易”。

    Mr Siva-Jothy 's talk to LSE students made Mr Bowes-Little " fall in love with trading . "

  18. Nd:YAG激光与射频治疗鼻腔利特尔区出血的疗效比较

    A comparative study on the therapeutic effects of Nd : YAG laser therapy with that of radiofrequency on epistaxis in Little 's area

  19. 利特尔约翰的祖父亚历山大-利特尔约翰当时是头等舱的管事,船舶开始沉没时主管第13号救生艇。

    Littlejohn 's grandfather , Alexander Littlejohn , was a 1st class steward in charge of lifeboat 13 when the ship began to go down .

  20. 鲍斯-利特尔非常爱思考,甚至到了有些过分的地步。对他而言,背包不只是一种用来携带东西的工具。

    To Mr Bowes-Little , who is thoughtful to the point of being over-analytical , a rucksack is more than just something you use to carry stuff in .

  21. 我们每天早晨5点起床,在我们位于利特尔汉普顿的咖啡馆为当地渔民准备早餐,直到晚上最后一名顾客慢悠悠走回家后,咖啡馆才会关门。

    We got up each morning at five to make breakfast for the local fishermen in our caf é in Littlehampton and did not close until the last customer wandered home .

  22. 利特尔看到了大量非常好的机会:尽管更为保守的贷款额度与抵押品价值比率有助于降低贷款风险,但他预计贷款回报率将达到历史性高位。

    Mr Little saw a host of very good opportunities , with forecast rates of return at historically high levels , despite more conservative loan-to-value levels helping reduce riskiness of lending .

  23. 利特尔说:整个面部也很重要。例如,由宽下巴和上扬的眉峰等组成的男性化面部特征会让人觉得不友好、不愿意合作。

    For example , the combination of masculine features , large chins , and dominant brow ridges can create an impression of disagreeableness and being unwilling to cooperate , Little said 。

  24. 利特尔并没有说明美国是否从埃及军方那里得到承诺,如果埃及局势恶化,会为美国大使馆的美国公民提供安全保障。

    Little did not say whether the US has got many commitment from Egypt 's military to provide security for Americans at the US embassy if the showdown in Egypt intensifies .

  25. 主场对阵雷丁。兰帕德中场丢球,利特尔绕到卡卢内侧传球,利塔在格雷米和费雷拉中间空档处头球顶入。

    At home to Reading , Lampard gave away midfield possession , Kalou allowed Little to run inside him and cross , and Lita got between Geremi and Ferreira to head in .

  26. 利特尔预计这一黄金时期还将持续18至24个月,届时,银行可能重建了资产负债表,萎靡不振的证券化市场可能也已重启。

    Mr little forecast this golden period would last a further 18-24 months , by when banks may have rebuilt their balance sheets and the comatose securitisation market is likely to have restarted .

  27. 英国泰坦尼克号历史学家菲利普-利特尔约翰上周日告诉记者:凌晨两点二十分,一片沉寂,就如同100年前的当晚一样死寂,这时,船的汽笛声突然停止了。

    At 2:20 am all was quiet , as it would have been 100 years ago when it went deathly quiet , when the screaming stopped , British Titanic historian Philip Littlejohn told the reporters on Sunday .

  28. 英国利物浦研究人员托尼?利特尔说:相貌和性格之间有关系这一想法听起来有点怪异,但却是有生物学依据的。

    The idea that there is a connection between appearance and personality might seem odd at first , but there could be biological reasons for alink , said study member Tony Little from the University of Liverpool in England 。

  29. 包括世界顶尖的沉船事故专家在内的10名专业人士也将登上这艘纪念号,其中包括泰坦尼克号幸存者亚历山大詹姆斯利特尔约翰的孙子菲利普利特尔约翰,他也是泰坦尼克乘客家属中唯一曾潜入沉船地点的人。

    A line up of 10 specialist lecturers - some of the world 's leading experts on the sinking - will be on board including Philip Littlejohn , grandson of Titanic survivor Alexander James Littlejohn , and the only Titanic relative to have made the dive to the wreck site .

  30. 鲍斯-利特尔是混血儿,也是家族里出的第一个大学生。他说,尽管进了高盛公司,但他对精英云集的银行界仍抱有许多成见,并强烈地“感到不想让这份金融业工作改变自己是谁”。

    Mr Bowes-Little , who is mixed-race and the first in his family to attend university , says that despite joining Goldman Sachs , he still had a great deal of prejudice about the elitist world of banking and a strong " sense that I didn 't want to let being in finance change who I was . "