
  • 网络Stakeholder theory
  1. 利益相关者理论认为企业只有把社会责任融入到核心战略层面才会带来竞争优势。

    Stakeholder theory suggests that corporate social responsibility only to the strategic level will bring competitive advantage .

  2. 本文首先对审计信息和审计信息质量的概念作了归纳;其次,基于企业利益相关者理论对审计信息质量的影响因素进行分析。

    Secondly , the influencing factors of audit quality information are studied based on the enterprise stakeholder theory .

  3. 在这样的背景下,利益相关者理论在盎格努&萨克逊体系(Anglo-Saxonsystem)国家中逐步发展起来,其影响日渐扩大。

    Therefore , it hinders the interest of shareholders in the long run . On this background , stakeholder theory has more and more influence on the countries in Anglo-Saxon system .

  4. 第四章,通过利益相关者理论,分析了H企业推行SA8000对各利益相关者的影响。

    Last , introduces the problems for H company when implement SA8000.Chapter four , base on the Stakeholder Theory , analyzes the influence for all stakeholders when H company implement SA8000 .

  5. 首先,在文献梳理基础上综合利益相关者理论和产权理论(交易成本经济学),构建起权利非对称机会主义行为CoPS创新风险这一风险生成机理模型。

    First , integrating stakeholder theories and property right theories ( transaction cost economics ) based on literature organization , and building a risk formation mechanism model as " Interest-Power Asymmetry opportunistic behavior CoPS innovation risk " .

  6. 基于利益相关者理论的公司财务治理体系构建

    Construction of Corporate Financial Governing System Based on the Stakeholder Theory

  7. 农村社区生态旅游发展分析&基于利益相关者理论

    Research on Rural Community Eco-tourism Development Based on the Stakeholder Theory

  8. 高校利益相关者理论的研究现状及趋势

    Actualities and Trends of University Stakeholders Theory Press one 's advantage

  9. 公共项目的社会影响后评价&基于利益相关者理论

    Social Impact Post-Evaluation of Public Project & Based on Stakeholder Theory

  10. 论利益相关者理论与我国公司治理结构的完善

    On Stakeholder Theory and the Improvement of Corporate Governance in Our Country

  11. 论利益相关者理论下的企业社会责任问题

    Corporate Social Responsibility : from the Angle of Stakeholder Theory

  12. 利益相关者理论产生于20世纪80年代中期。

    Stakeholder theory stems from the mid-20th century , 80 .

  13. 利益相关者理论与公司治理的法律思考

    A Study on the Theory of Stakeholders and Corporate Governance

  14. 利益相关者理论的缺陷与企业市场价值观点

    Defects of stakeholder theory and issue of corporation market value

  15. 公司治理结构与公司利益相关者理论问题研究

    Corporate Governance and the Stakeholders Stakeholders and Capital Structure Decision

  16. 利益相关者理论在跨国公司管理体系中的应用

    The Application of the Stakeholder Theory to the Management System of TNCs

  17. 基于利益相关者理论的废旧家电回收管理体系

    Waste Electronic & Electrical Equipments Management System Based on the Stakeholder Theory

  18. 从利益相关者理论看财务契约与财务冲突

    Financial contract and financial conflict : in stakeholder theory perspective

  19. 利益相关者理论与国有商业银行公司治理

    Stakeholder Theory and State-owned Commercial Bank 's Corporate Governance

  20. 利益相关者理论的组合市场导向研究

    Combinatorial Market Orientation Study on Stake - Group Theory

  21. 企业剩余权的分布:基于利益相关者理论的重新思考

    Distribution of Enterprise Residual Rights : a New Perspective Based on Stakeholder Theory

  22. 基于利益相关者理论的收益分配模式研究

    Study on Income Distribution Model Based on Stakeholders Theory

  23. 利益相关者理论视角下的大型商业零售企业营销创新研究

    Marketing Innovation of Large-Scaled Commercial Retail Enterprises from the Perspective of Stakeholder Theory

  24. 首先对企业社会责任理论、利益相关者理论以及公司特征理论进行了分析。

    First , analyzeCSR 、 stakeholder theory and the theory of firm characteristics .

  25. 基于利益相关者理论的内生式乡村旅游发展研究

    Study on the Endogenous Rural Tourism Development Based on the Theory of Stakeholders

  26. 利益相关者理论各阶段主要观点的评析

    The Critical Analysis on the Main Viewpoints of Stakeholder Theory for Different Stages

  27. 利益相关者理论对美国公司法的影响

    Impact of the Stakeholders Theory on American Corporate Law

  28. 利益相关者理论评析及其对国有企业改革的启示

    Comment on the Theory of Stakeholder and Enlightenment for the Reform of State-owned Enterprises

  29. 公立医院治理结构变革引入利益相关者理论的必要性分析

    Analyzing the Necessity of Building Public Hospitals ' Governance Structure Based on Stakeholder Theory

  30. 利益相关者理论的发展具有深刻的理论背景。

    The stakeholder theory has deeper academic background .