• sharp;fluent;eloquent;favourable
  • advantage;benefit;profit;interest
  • benefit
  • 好处,与“害”“弊”相对:~弊。~害。~益。~令智昏。兴~除弊。

  • 使顺利、得到好处:~己。~用厚生(充分发挥物的作用,使民众生活优厚富裕起来)。

  • 与愿望相符合:吉~。顺~。

  • 刀口快,针尖锐,与“钝”相对:~刃。~刀。~剑。~落。~口巧辩。

  • 从事生产、交易、货款、储蓄所得超过本钱的收获:~息。~率(lǜ)。一本万~。

  • 姓。


(锋利; 锐利) sharp:

  • 利刃

    a sharp blade [sword];

  • 利爪

    sharp claws


(流利) fluent; eloquent:

  • 利嘴利舌

    quick of speech


(顺利; 便利) favourable; convenient:

  • 不利


  • 吉利

    good fortun


(利益) advantage; benefit:

  • 无利

    without benefit;

  • 各有利弊。

    Each has its advantages and disadvantages.


(利润或利息) profit; interest; gains:

  • 暴利

    exorbitant profits;

  • 营利

    seek profits;

  • 连本带利

    both principal and interest; profit as well as capital;

  • 无利可图



(资源; 财富) resources; wealth:

  • 水利

    water conservancy;

  • 地利

    land utilization;

  • 功利


  • 名利双收

    gain both honour and money


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 利乾

    Li Qian


(使有利) benefit:

  • 利国利民

    benefit the nation and its people;

  • 损人而不利己

    harm others without benefit to oneself

  1. 倘有,这型制之刃口是特别硬及?利的!

    The blade of this shape is very rigid and sharp !

  2. 割;切牌这把刀子不够利,无法切牛排。

    This knife is not sharp enough to cut the steak .

  3. 有的人为一己之利而干出的事令人惊讶。

    It 's amazing what some people will do for gain .

  4. 从博特利到牛津有一路公共汽车,按时发车,十分便利。

    Botley is well serviced by a regular bus route into Oxford .

  5. 我把我的鲍勃∙马利音乐带借给了她。

    I lent her my Bob Marley tapes .

  6. 利远大于弊。

    The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages .

  7. 我们在圣马利教堂做礼拜。

    We worship at St Mary 's.

  8. 两个候选人谁也没干脆利落地获胜。

    Neither candidate won outright .

  9. 有些警告一定得说,如:工欲善其事,必先利其器。

    Some cautions must be mentioned ─ for example good tools are essential to do the job well .

  10. 麦卡纳利双膝发软,瘫倒在地板上。

    Mcanally 's knees buckled and he crumpled down onto the floor

  11. 我回家前将顺道去看望一下利。

    I 'll stop by to see Leigh before going home .

  12. 这笔交易的利远远大于弊。

    The advantages of this deal largely outweigh the disadvantages .

  13. 利,我想象不出你会对谁不公正。

    I can 't imagine you being unfair to anyone , Leigh .

  14. 她从桌子对面扫了他一眼,目光咄咄逼人,凌利而专横。

    From across the desk she gave him a witheringly imperious look .

  15. 如果利失球,他们将会降级。

    If Leigh lose , they 'll be relegated .

  16. 减税对经济而言可能弊大于利。

    To cut taxes would probably do the economy more harm than good .

  17. 他们当前的抗议完全是受一己之利驱使的。

    Their current protests are motivated purely by self-interest .

  18. 利里说他没后悔退休。

    Lillee said he had no regrets about retiring .

  19. 万尼亚·丘利是自由电影制片人。

    Vanya Kewley is a freelance film producer .

  20. 安妮·霍尔克负责权衡你房屋改造的利与弊。

    Anne Holker looks at the pros and cons of making changes to your property

  21. 他在给谢利的便条内容下面重重地画了线。

    He heavily underscored his note to Shelley .

  22. 考虑到利前途未卜,我没有什么选择余地。

    Given the uncertainty over Leigh 's future I was left with little other choice .

  23. 委员会认定在休闲胜地的裸体行为弊大于利。

    Nudism , the council decided , was doing the resort more harm than good .

  24. 沏茶,柯利,我们每人都要喝一杯。

    Brew up , Curly . We could all do with a cup of tea .

  25. 那条狗可爱极了,是柯利牧羊犬和金毛猎犬的杂交品种。

    It was a lovely dog . It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever .

  26. 大家都叫他“疯子谢利”,部分因为他的古怪,部分因为他火爆的脾气。

    He was known as Mad Shelley partly because of his eccentricity and partly because of his violent temper

  27. “西蒙,你怎么回事?”柯利说。“你难道开不起玩笑么?”

    ' What 's the matter with you , Simon ? ' Curly said . ' Can 't you take a joke ? '

  28. 江河湖泽给我们以舟楫和灌溉之利。

    Rivers and lakes provide us with water transport and irrigation .

  29. 她有一张巧[利;快]嘴。

    She has a plausible [ sharp ; quick ] tongue .

  30. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。

    A workman must sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well .