
lì hài ɡuān xi
  • stake;interest;concerns about one's vital interests
  1. 侦探们现在相信黑手党在这个阴谋中也有利害关系,并在事败后杀了他。

    Detectives now believe the Mafia also had a stake in the plot and killed him when it went wrong .

  2. 因为与结果有个人利害关系,他们十分上心。

    And the fact that they have a personal stake in the outcome makes them really pay attention .

  3. 作为有利害关系的一方,我不得投票。

    As an interested party , I was not allowed to vote .

  4. 判断往往因利害关系而有偏差。

    The judgement is often biased by interest .

  5. 医生们可能会面临一些权衡利害关系的情况。

    Doctors can face some grim trade-offs .

  6. 相互的利害关系把我们联系在一起。

    Mutual interests tied us together .

  7. 第十三条审计人员办理审计事项,与被审计单位或者审计事项有利害关系的,应当回避。

    Article 13 In handling audit matters , if auditors have an interest in the auditees or the audit items , they shall withdraw .

  8. 第二十三条公民有下列情形之一的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他死亡:

    Article 23 Under either of the following circumstances , an interested person may apply to the people 's court for a declaration of a citizen 's death :

  9. 财务危机(Financialdistress),又称为财务困境,其最为严重的情况就是破产。随着我国加入WTO后竞争的加剧,企业各利害关系方已越来越关注这一问题。

    The financial crisis ( Financial Distress ), is also called the financial predicament , its most serious situation is bankrupt .

  10. B.对本国善意债权人和其他利害关系人的保护与诉讼程序条款;所用方法特异性强,重复性好。

    B. specific articles on the protection and the suing procedure of local creditors with goodintentions ;

  11. 为适应WTO规则的透明度要求,我国的行政立法程序需要改革,以使其具有更大的开放性,便于利害关系人的参与。

    To meet the requirement of the WTO 's principle of transparence , China 's legislative process of administration needs reforming in order to be convenient for the participation of the interested parties .

  12. 其中的利害关系在于,4G电信设备与服务潜在的巨大市场,可能会让目前3G技术的市场相形见绌。

    At stake is a potentially huge market for 4G telecoms equipment and services that could dwarf the market to date for 3G technology .

  13. 百度(BaiduInc.)与后起之秀奇虎360科技有限公司(Qihoo360TechnologyInc.)之间的战争即将打响,从中可见它们在中国不断扩大的互联网搜索市场存在着多么重大的利害关系。

    A battle is emerging between Baidu Inc. and upstart Qihoo 360 Technology Inc. , underlining the high stakes in China 's growing Web-search market .

  14. 通过本文的论述,欲突破直接利害关系的传统理论,赋予NGO在民事环境公益诉讼中的原告资格。

    This thesis breakthroughs the traditional theory of " the directed stake " and confers the qualification to the non-government organization in the commonweal lawsuit of the civil action environment .

  15. 通常许可问题在技术设计中没有多大的利害关系,不过由于一些ISV工作负载可能需要使用非IBM软件,所以您必须适当地管理软件和中间件许可。

    Normally licensing issues don 't mean much in technology design , but since some ISV workloads might require non-IBM software , you have to properly manage software and middleware licensing .

  16. 在CNN鼎盛时期,前CNN雇员Griffin认为CNN还固守着其“无利害关系的公平之锚”,无法跟上时代的脚步。

    Mr Griffin , himself a former CNN employee , reckons that the channel has failed to move with the times by favouring the " disinterested , at-arm 's-length anchor . "

  17. 2010年,克利夫兰骑士队与中国青岛啤酒股份有限公司(TsingtaoBreweryCo.Ltd.)签订了一份价值数百万美元的营销协议。黄健华后来澄清,他个人与克利夫兰骑士队没有任何利害关系。

    In 2010 the Cavaliers signed a multi-million dollar marketing deal with Chinese beer giant Tsingtao Brewery Co. Ltd. Mr. Huang later clarified that he did not hold any stake personally in the Cavaliers .

  18. 谁是驱使无限使用的关键利害关系人?

    Who are the key stakeholders driving the use of wireless ?

  19. 不久之后,中国在沙特稳定问题上可能具有最大的利害关系。

    Beijing may soon have the bigger stake in Saudi stability .

  20. 适度的利害关系会激励人表现优秀,但超高的利害关系则只会造成神经紧张。

    Modest stakes motivated excellence ; super-high stakes simply caused nerves .

  21. 另一项研究显示,高度的利害关系会让人头脑发昏。

    Other research suggests that high stakes can befuddle the brain .

  22. 利害关系人理论与我国公司治理结构的重建

    Theory of Party Interested and Reconstruction of the Company Management Structure

  23. 这与雇主有着重大的利害关系。

    It 's an issue of major concern to employers .

  24. 这出戏成功与否对她个人有重大利害关系。

    She has a personal stake in the success of the play .

  25. 我尊重你的理想主义,为了和平我分享你的利害关系。

    I respect your idealism . I share your concern for peace .

  26. 将产品愿景写成文档,并经常和所有的利害关系人沟通确认。

    Document the product vision and communicate it constantly to all stakeholders .

  27. 在我思想里,对于地缘政治上的利害关系是没有任何怀疑的。

    There was no doubt in my mind about the geopolitical stakes .

  28. 其次,人数众多的一方当事人之间存在共同的利害关系;

    Secondly , multitudinous litigants of the same side have the common interests .

  29. (二)与本案有利害关系;

    He being an interested party in the case ;

  30. 契约型关联公司利害关系人利益保护研究

    Research on the Protection Legal System of Stakeholders in Affiliated Companies of Contract