
  • 网络Libyan State Television
  1. 利比亚国家电视台称,大量的平民在袭击中丧生。

    State television reported a large number of civilians had been killed .

  2. 与此同时,北约在晚上的空袭中成功地击毁了利比亚国家电视台发射机的三个圆盘式卫星发射天线。

    Meanwhile Nato reported a successful overnight attack on Libyan state TV transmitters that disabled three satellite transmission dishes .

  3. 同时,利比亚国家电视台播放了几具烧焦的尸体的画面,声称是联合部队轰炸造成的平民伤亡。

    Meanwhile , Libyan state TV showed images of several charred bodies it said were casualties of the coalition bombing .

  4. 潘基文做此番讲话时,利比亚国家电视台正在播放四面楚歌但依然负隅顽抗的卡扎菲要求民众保卫国家的镜头。

    His remarks came as state television was airing images of the embattled but defiant strongman urging viewers to defend the nation .

  5. 利比亚国家电视台播放了一组视频片段,片段中被采访的士兵表示他们已经完全控制了该城市。

    Syrian state television showed footage from the city and interviewed soldiers , who said they had taken complete control of Salah al-Din .

  6. 2011年03月21日据利比亚国家电视台报道,利比亚领导人卡扎菲的住所被导弹袭击,附近一栋行政办公建筑被摧毁。

    2011-03-21 One administrative building of the residence compound of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi was destroyed by a missile , Libyan state TV reported .