
guā xiāo
  • scrape;skiving;shaving;pare away
刮削 [guā xiāo]
  • (1) [scrape;pare away]∶同刮

  • (2) [skiving]∶用刀具的高度剪切或滑移作用来切除金属薄层或薄屑

刮削[guā xiāo]
  1. 直尺的修复主要依赖传统的手工刮削方法获得很高的形状和位置精度。

    Precision repair mostly depends on traditional scrape .

  2. 同样,口环的密封表面也会被固体颗粒挤压、刮削出沟槽。

    Similarly , Sandy Bay sealed the surface of the solid particles will be squeezed , scrape out the groove .

  3. 实验中将纯钨样品放入HT-7托卡马克的刮削层中,以研究等离子体与纯钨表面的作用。

    In the experiment , samples of pure tungsten were placed in the scrape-off layer of HT-7 tokamak to study the interaction between plasma and the surface of samples .

  4. 通过真空磁力传输系统将上述材料小样品放入HT-7托卡马克装置的刮削层中,在经过802次(累计时间约为1200秒)等离子体放电实验后,取出样品,并对样品进行了分析。

    Through inserting the samples to the scrape-off layer of HT-7 tokamak with a vacuum-tight transporter system , all samples were irradiated by 802 plasma discharges for 1200 seconds and then were analysed .

  5. FXF非旋转稳定器(橡胶套稳定器)是钻井作业中为保护井壁不受刮削而制作的专用工具。

    The FXF type non-rotating stabilizer ( rubber sleeve stabilizer ) is a special tool in drilling to avoid blade wear and wall damage .

  6. 硬齿面刮削铣刀盘切削应力应变有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of hard skiving cutter for stress and strain

  7. 冲击刮削法评价封严涂层的可磨耗性

    Abradability evaluation of seal coating by impact scraping test machine G

  8. 大模数硬齿面圆锥直齿轮仿形刮削的研究

    Study on Contour Skim of Hardened Large Module Straight Bevel Gears

  9. 丝绒剪毛机及剪毛刀硬齿面齿轮的刮削加工

    Shearer and Cutter for Velvet Skiving Machining of Hard Surface Gear

  10. 或因刮削困难得不到数值小的粗糙度。

    Or because the scraping difficult not numerical small roughness .

  11. 航空弧齿锥齿轮硬齿面刮削工艺研究

    Study of Scraping Hard Teeth of Aviation Spiral Bevel Gears

  12. 仿真结果表明,刀盘进行刮削后,接触区的走向稍有变化;

    Simulation results show that the change of pattern orientation is little ;

  13. 用冲击刮削法测量封严涂层的力学性能

    The measurement of sealing coating mechanical properties by way of impact-scraping methed

  14. 石器组合包括:石核、石片、石锤、刮削器等。

    The stone assemblage includes cores , flakes , choppers , scraper .

  15. 倒棱刮削滚刀齿形拟合及齿形加工方法初探

    Preliminary Study on Method of Profile fitting and Machining of Chamfered Skiving-hob

  16. 弧齿锥齿轮硬齿面刮削过程的几何仿真

    Geometry simulation of hard skiving process of spiral bevel gears

  17. 硬齿面刮削滚刀重磨齿形精度分析

    Analysis of the reground profile accuracy of the hard surface skiving hob

  18. 用硬质合金滚刀刮削硬齿面

    Skiving quenched gear teeth surface with hard alloyed hobbing cutter

  19. 降低硬齿面刮削中崩刃率的研究

    Study on reducing broken blade rate in scraping hard teeth

  20. 圆锥直齿轮仿形刮削刨刀的研究

    Study on Contour Planer Tool Skimming Hardened Straight Bevel Gear

  21. 弧齿锥齿轮尖齿刮削刀盘的齿形优化设计

    Optimized design and reshaping of skiving cutter with plane flank for gleason gear

  22. 封严涂层冲击刮削力传感器的研制

    The Development of Impact-Scraping Force Transducer for Sealing Coating

  23. 刮削表面形貌对机床导轨的摩擦和润滑性能的影响

    The Effect of Scraped Surface Topography of Machine Tool Guideways on Its Tribological Behavior

  24. 刮削硬齿面齿轮表面粗糙度的研究

    Research On surface Roughness of Skived Gear Quenched

  25. 机夹不重磨硬齿面刮削滚刀设计

    A Design for the Harden Gear Skiving Hob Whose of Mechanical Clamp and Non-re grinding

  26. 由于刮擦或刮削而产生的粗糙的声音。

    A harsh noise made by scraping .

  27. 汽车齿轮刮削残余应力的研究

    Residual Stresses of Skived Automotive Gears

  28. 硬齿面刮削力的研究

    Skiving Force of Hardened Gear Face

  29. 冰淇淋机浮动刮刀的刮削机理及力学分析

    The Analysis for the Scraping Principle and Mechanics of the Floating Scraper of An Ice Cream Freezer

  30. 刮削加工渗碳硬齿面双圆弧齿轮噪声振动特性研究

    The study on vibration and noise characteristics of scraped double-circular arc gear with carburized rigidification tooth surface