
  • 网络institutional supply;supply of institution
  1. 从TD到TD-S:建立在制度供给约束下中国电信业战略转型的一个分析框架

    From " TD " to " TD-S ": An Analysis Framework for Strategic Transition of China 's Telecommunication Industry Under Constraints of Institutional Supply

  2. 资源环境约束下的新型工业化及其制度供给

    New-model Industrialization and Institutional Supply in the Restraint of Resource Environment

  3. 最后,本文介绍了WTO的基本原则及国际保险监管核心原则,通过制度供给与需求、制度均衡、制度创新的分析,提出完善我国保险监管制度的具体措施。

    Thirdly , it presents fundamental principles of WTO , the insurance core principles and the perfection of Chinese insurance regulatory institutions .

  4. 承诺条件下政府制度供给策略

    Research on Government 's Supply Tactics in the Circumstances of Commitment

  5. 基础教育均衡发展的制度供给

    Observations on Effective Institution Supply of Balanced Development in Preliminary Education

  6. 发展公共图书馆事业的政府制度供给责任

    The Institution Supply Responsibility of Government in Developing Public Libraries Enterprises

  7. 第四,要进一步完善林业合作经营制度供给体系。

    Fourth , to further perfect forestry cooperatives ' system supply .

  8. 论制度供给的滞后性与能动性

    On the Time - lag and Activity of the Institution Supply

  9. 土地投入的制度供给因素分析

    The Factors Analysis of Institutional Supply of the Investment in Land

  10. 青海省农村金融需求与制度供给

    The Village Financial Demand and System Supply in Qinghai Province

  11. 论政府制度供给与西部经济增长

    On Supply of Governmental Institutions and Economic Growth in West-China

  12. 制度供给的核心内容是制定图书馆法;

    The essence of institutional supply is establishing library law .

  13. 但是,二者是有主次的,政府首先应该是制度供给者。

    But the government should be a provider of the system first .

  14. 市场经济、社会信用制度供给与政府职能定位

    Market Economy , Social Credit System Supply and Location of Government Function

  15. 服务型政府最大的服务就是提供制度供给。

    The best service of service-oriented government is providing supplies of system .

  16. 农民专业合作社;制度供给;集体行动困境。

    Specialty cooperative of peasants ; Institution supply ; Collective action dilemma .

  17. 对我国电信产业规制与制度供给的几点思考

    Speculations about Regulations and the System Supplying of Telecom Industry in China

  18. 我国农业保险市场失灵与制度供给

    Market Failure and Institution Supply of Agriculture Insurance in China

  19. 论西部开发中的有效制度供给

    Observations on Providing Effective legal Principles in the Process of the Western Development

  20. 民营企业制度供给问题及其对策研究

    A Study on Problems of Institutional Supply of Private Enterprises and Relevant Countermeasures

  21. 第一个步骤是总结浙江省农村社会养老保险制度供给现状。

    The first part indicates a summary of rural endowment insurance in Zhejiang .

  22. 三要加大制度供给,规范评估工作;

    To enrich the supply systems and standardize the work of the evaluation ;

  23. 公共性:政府制度供给的价值内涵

    Publicity : the Value Connotation of Governmental Institution Providing

  24. 同时还要进一步促进县级政府的制度供给。

    At the same time , promote further the county governmental supply system .

  25. 同一轨迹制度供给累计升级假说&需求诱导性制度变迁条件下制度供给模式分析

    The Hypothesis on the Same Track System Change

  26. 科技进步与西部农村经济发展&基于政府制度供给的视角

    Technology Progress and The Western Rural Economic Development

  27. 一个社会技术创新的程度,取决于该社会一系列相互关联的制度供给。

    The degree of technical innovation depends on a series of related systems supplying .

  28. 制度供给理论述评&经典理论演变与国内研究进展

    Review on the Researches about Institutional Supply Theory

  29. 农民权益缺失透视及政策选择和制度供给

    On Policy Choosing , System Supply and Absence of Farmers ' Rights and Interests

  30. 当代中国农村秩序转型中的制度供给变迁

    Analysis on the Changing of the Supply hi the Contemporary Transformation of Chinese Villages