
  • 网络institution change;institutional change;institutional transformation
  1. 基于成本收益分析的基础设施管理制度变迁

    A Study with C-B Analysis of Infrastructure Industry ' Institution Change

  2. 试图全面评析诺斯的制度变迁理论。

    This passage attempts to review North 's institution change theory .

  3. 论FDI对西部制度变迁的影响及对策

    The Impact of FDI to Institutional Change of Western Areas and Countermeasures

  4. 西部地区应该加快体制改革的步伐,改善投资环境,吸引FDI,进而通过FDI带动西部地区制度变迁的进程,最终形成FDI和制度变迁相互推动、相互促进的良性循环。

    Western area should speed up institution innovation , improve investment environment , attract FDI , further put forward institutional change in western areas by FDI , form mutually effected circulation at last .

  5. 然而,德姆塞茨(Demsetz,1967)曾经提醒我们:产权制度变迁所带来的收益必须超过为此而支付的成本,才能证明这种变迁是正确的。

    However , Demsetz ( 1967 ) had reminded us that the benefits brought by property rights system reform must exceed the cost of pay , to prove this reform is correct .

  6. 中国农村合作医疗制度变迁、特点与改革方向

    China countryside cooperate medical system transferring , characteristics and reform trend

  7. 公共服务供需均衡的制度变迁范式

    The Institutional Change Paradigm of the Balance of Supply and Demand

  8. 制度变迁中的地方政府角色分析

    The analysis of the role of local government in system changes

  9. 制度变迁理论之于我国公共企业改革制度供给等。

    Institutional Change theory for our public enterprise reform system supply .

  10. 国家助学贷款制度变迁与风险控制

    The Change and Risk Control of National Study Subsidy Loan Policy

  11. 我国金融制度变迁的风险及其防范

    The Risk and Risk Aversion of Financial Institutional Innovation in China

  12. 我国电视业制度变迁中的路径选择研究

    A Research on the Path Choice in Chinese Television Institutional Change

  13. 我国粮食流通制度变迁的周期解释

    Analysis of System Change Cycle of Grain Circulation System in China

  14. 制度变迁过程中的消费者行为分析

    The analysis of the consumer 's behavior with the system evolution

  15. 目前社会加速转型中的组织制度变迁

    The Changes of Organizational System during Accelerating Transition of Present Society

  16. 中国证券市场制度变迁与创新研究

    Studies on the Institutional Change and Innovation of China Securities Market

  17. 中国养老保险制度变迁的经济效应

    Economic Effects of the Institutional Change of China 's Pension System

  18. 产业结构调整、制度变迁与区域经济增长

    Industrial Structure Adjustment , System Evolvement and Regional Economic Growth

  19. 经济安全与制度变迁:理论与中国的现实

    Economic Security and Institutional Transformation : Theory and Chinese Reality

  20. 我国大学教学管理制度变迁简析

    Analysis on the Changes of Our University Teaching Management System

  21. 制度变迁中的中国私营企业家成长研究

    Study on Growth of Chinese Private Entrepreneurs in Institutional Change

  22. 第四部分,制度变迁&都市圈形成的关键。形体分析与造型设计

    The formative key of Metropolitan Area ... Shape Analysis and Formative Design

  23. 国有企业企业家失范行为矫正研究&政府主导下的制度变迁

    Study on Rectifying the Inappropriate Behavior of Entrepreneurs of SOEs

  24. 免费义务教育:实现义务教育公平的制度变迁

    Free Compulsory Education : A System Change of Realizing Compulsory Education Equality

  25. 对农地制度变迁路径的比较分析

    Relative Analysis of the Route of Agricultural Land Institution Change

  26. 我国旅行社行业发展的几个理论问题&对我国旅行社行业制度变迁的考察

    The Theory Problem on Developing Travel Service Industry in China

  27. 制度变迁视野中的交通行为研究

    The Traffic Behavioral Research in the Field of Institutional Change

  28. 行为选择、博弈地位与制度变迁

    The Behavior Choosing , Position in Game and Institution Change

  29. 区域制度变迁与中国和东盟的政治合作

    ASEAN Regional Transition of System s and Its Political Cooperation with China

  30. 和谐社会建设的制度变迁探析

    Analysis on the System Vicissitude of Harmonious Society 's Construction