
  • 网络institutional imitation
  1. 中日近代化之制度模仿比较

    Comparison of Institutional Imitation in Modernization between China and Japan

  2. 作为市场化转轨中的一种制度模仿,继1998年北京四通集团公司开中国管理层收购先河之后,管理层收购的案例在我国也开始大量出现,且呈加速之势。

    And as an institutional imitation in the course of transformation to market economy , a number of cases of MBO began to emerge in China after the first case of Beijing stone organization .

  3. 经济全球化已经成为当今世界经济的总体趋势,在贸易、生产、资本、技术等全球化的进程中,发展中国家可以通过对发达国家的制度模仿、技术模仿而形成后发优势。

    Economic globalization has become the trend of the world economy . With the globalized trade , production , capital and technology , developing countries can gain the advantages of backwardness by imitating the institutions and technology of developed countries .

  4. 这种议会制度是模仿了英国议会制度。

    The Parliamentary system is closely modeled on the Westminster system .

  5. 城市土地供给单轨制形成的另一个原因是改革开放以后我国对香港公共用地批租制度的模仿与借鉴。

    For another thing , we imitate the lease system of public land in Hong Kong after the initiation of the policy of reform and opening-up to the outside world .

  6. 制度学习与制度模仿的后发优势;

    The system studies the advantage of backwardness imitated with the system ;

  7. 通过贸易体制改革扩大开放,不仅可以加速制度的创新,而且有助于制度的模仿和引进,加速制度的变革,从而发挥后发优势,实现经济的长期增长。

    The opening reform of foreign trade system can not only accelerate institutional innovation , but is also beneficial to the institutional imitation and introduction , so as to speed up the institutional reformation , develop future advantage and realize long-term economic growth .

  8. 制度后发优势实现的核心问题,是正式制度模仿、非正式制度模仿及其关系问题。

    The core of the realization of the later-advantages on institution is the imitation of formal and informal institutions and their relation .