
  • 网络Approach to system change
  1. 论广东现行经济制度变迁方式及其调整

    On the Changing Mode of the Current Guangdong Economic Institution and Its Adjustment

  2. 浅析前苏联政府供给型制度变迁方式形成的原因

    On the Transition Mode of Supply System in USSR

  3. 熵理论与制度变迁方式的选择

    Entropy Theory and the Choice of the Way of Mandatory Transformation of System

  4. 这就要求把握制度变迁方式的转换时机。

    The transition time has to be studied .

  5. 关于制度变迁方式的模型分析

    Model Analysis of the Ways of System Changes

  6. 制度变迁方式的转换主要包括了强制性制度变迁的进入和退出两种情况。

    Transformation of institution evolution mode includes entry and exit of compulsory institution evolution .

  7. 从制度变迁方式阐释金融生态优化路径。

    From the style of institution changes to explain the method of optimizing finance ecology .

  8. 任何一种制度变迁方式都不可能单独解决所有的制度供给问题。

    It is impossibility that all system supply is settled by a mode of the system change .

  9. 本文以温州模式的变迁和浙江的改革经验为例,实证分析了如何在解放思想的摩擦成本最小化的条件下,推进以准需求诱致型的制度变迁方式为主的改革;

    This paper presents an empirical analysis of the cost-effective system transformation based on the Wenzhou model of economic reform .

  10. 二是如何实现的问题,具体说,就是应当采取什么样的制度变迁方式以实现目标模式。

    Specifically , what the mode of the institutional change should be adopted in order to carry out the target model .

  11. 弱化政府在配置资源和分配剩余中的作用,采取稳定且属于诱致性的制度变迁方式,给农民一个稳定的制度变迁预期等来消除贫困。

    And weakening government function in disposing and assigning resource , and implementing the stable and inductive system to change the poverty of the peasants .

  12. 这些理论假说的一个共同之处就是基本上部认为我国居于主导地位的制度变迁方式是政府主导型制度变迁。

    One of the shared viewpoints in these hypotheses is that the institutional change dominated by the government is the leading way of institutional change in our country .

  13. 新一轮集体林权改革为检验和深化理论界关于中国农村土地制度变迁方式和村庄决策过程的研究提供了难得的机会。

    The new round of collective forest tenure reform has provided a rare opportunity for testing and deepening academic study on approach and village ' decision-making process of Chinese farmland institutional change .

  14. 无论何种制度变迁方式,贵在可持续性。新时期,面对新的挑战与机遇,中国的体制改革势在必行,经济特区在中国体制改革中的作用也尤为重要。

    In the new period with new challenges , it is imperative to make institutional reform in China , and Special Economic Zone is especially important during the institutional change process of China .

  15. 论中国制度变迁的方式

    On the Ways of China 's Institutional Change

  16. 我国职业体育制度变迁的方式、路径及相关问题研究

    Research on the Mode and Path of Institutional Change of Professional Sports in China

  17. 制度变迁的方式及其对效率的影响

    The Pattern of Institutional Change and Its Influence on Efficiency : A Perspective of the Power Structure

  18. 由于初始条件和改革成本的制约,今后我国报业经营制度的变迁方式仍将选择渐进式道路。

    Because of the restriction of the initial condition and reform cost , will choose the progressive road in journalism management system changings way of our country in future .

  19. 近代中国行会到同业公会的制度变迁历程及其方式

    On the Transformation of the System and Way of Chinese Trade Association in Modern Times

  20. 制度变迁选择何种方式,主要受制于一个社会的利益集团之间的权利结构和偏好结构,我国金融制度变迁乃至整个经济制度变迁的核心在于政府供给主导型变迁让位于需求主导型制度变迁。

    The way of the change of system depends on the preference structure of the interest group .

  21. 在史论结合的基础上,本研究认为,制度变迁的主要方式是以政府主导的强制性变迁为主,变迁的实质是私有产权的导入及产权结构的明晰化。

    Through demonstrating the historical material and relative theory , the study thinks that the main pattern of institutional change was mandatory and was led by the government . The essence of such change was to import private property rights and clear the structure of property rights .

  22. 制度变迁的原因、方式及趋势

    Reason , Fashion and Trend of Institution Changes

  23. 提出应按强制性与诱致性制度变迁相结合的方式,有步骤有计划地进行制度变迁的实践操作。

    Should be made the mandatory system changes and the induced institutional evolution in a combination , and then plan to carry it out step-by-step .

  24. 而事实上,不同的区域经济发展模式的演化,与不同区域技术变迁及企业产权制度安排、制度变迁方式、以及文化习惯(非正式制度)、政府与企业间的关系等因素,是密不可分的。

    And in fact , evolution of different regional economy development model , arranges with different area technological changes and enterprise 's property relations , system changes way , and culture used to , government and relation of enterprise , etc.

  25. 市场制度的层次与制度变迁方式的组合

    The stages of market institution and the consociations of the means of institution evolution

  26. 本文首先描述了我国特殊的二重制度结构下的制度变迁方式和保险制度变迁的基本特征,得出了保险制度国家制造的初步结论,并建立了保险制度选择的国家效用函数。

    At first , the paper introduces the modes of China 's institutional evolution decided by the special " double " system economic structure and the basic characteristics of insurance institutional evolution , educes a preliminary conclusion that China 's insurance institution was " created " by government .

  27. 只有交替运用强制性制度变迁和诱致性制度变迁的方式,使新的国家助学贷款制度供给与需求实现动态平衡。

    To realize the dynamic equilibrium of the new institution supply and demand of GSSL , the ways of mandatory institution changes and the ways of inductive institution changes should only be used alternatively .

  28. 文章从国家制度、政府供给型经济制度及其变迁方式长期保持的原因三方面对前苏联政府供给型经济及其变迁方式作了较系统的分析。

    This paper makes a systematic analysis of USSR 's government supply economy and its mode of transition from three aspects as the USSR 's state system , government-supplied economic system and the reason of keeping the mode of transition for a long time .

  29. 政府通过引导诱致性制度变迁和采取强制性制度变迁两种方式的混合使用,以制度平衡社会各方,在市场化过程中促进经济发展和社会稳定,避免了农村经济革命性变革导致政府治理危机的局面。

    Adopting the mixed use of induced institutional changes and compulsive institutional changes , government balances each social side . It has realized economic development and social stability in the process toward market economy and avoided government crisis during revolutionary economic transformation in rural areas .

  30. 从制度创新角度观察,中国农地制度变迁的方式以及制度变迁的交易规则选择等丰富了制度经济学理论。

    From the point of view of institutional innovation , the patterns and paths of the transformation of land tenure system in China enriched the institutional economics theories .