
  • 网络institutionalized management
  1. 针对合理化建议已经形成了一套卓有成效的制度化管理方法。

    It has formed a set of effective institutionalized management methods in view of " rationalization proposal " .

  2. 同时图书馆人性化管理是制度化管理的提升,是以制度化管理为保证的管理创新。

    Meanwhile , library humanized management is an improvement of institutionalized management , and a managerial innovation over it .

  3. 第二部分:通过对TX中学N班的差生形成的个案分析,得出制度化管理、制度化教学是差生数量增多、差生生存境遇恶化的重要原因的结论。

    Part Two : Through analyzing the case of Class N in school TX , a conclusion is made that a systematic management and systematic instructions are the important reasons for the increasing number of poor students and the worsening environment for poor students .

  4. 建章立制,实现资产的制度化管理;

    Build rules & regulations to realize systemized management ;

  5. 制度化管理的学习型科研团队

    The Learning Scientific Research Team with the Systematic Management

  6. 活化信贷资产存量是一项长期、艰巨而又复杂的工作,只有把活化存量纳入科学化、规范化、制度化管理轨道。

    Activating stock credit fund is a long , hard and complex task .

  7. 自主管理和制度化管理之间为互补关系。

    The relationship between independent management and systematic management is that of mutual compensation .

  8. 医疗设备的周期性维修与制度化管理

    Periodic Maintenance and Institutional Management of Medical Devices

  9. 现代企业管理的显著特征是要求尽可能地减少随意性人治,实施规范的制度化管理。

    Modern enterprise management is especially characterized by reducing random arbitration , implementing institutional management .

  10. 浅议高校学生组织制度化管理与文化建设

    On the Institutional Management and Culture Construction Of Students ' Organizations in Colleges and Universities

  11. 高校图书馆管理既要坚持人性化管理,又要坚持制度化管理。

    Universities library management both must persist human nature management , and must persist institution management .

  12. 要充分发挥高校学生组织的作用,就应加强学生组织制度化管理和学生组织文化建设。

    Acoording to this , due attention must be paid to its institutional management and culture construction .

  13. 实现精细化、人本化、制度化管理,才能最终实现企业的利益最大化。

    Only by realizing meticulous management , can we realize finally that the interests of enterprise are maximized .

  14. 人性化管理与制度化管理的最佳结合是高校图书馆管理的有效模式。

    The human nature management and the institution management best union is the universities library management effective pattern .

  15. 与内地医院相比,政策限制及人才问题成为当前最主要问题,加强制度化管理及医风医德教育则是我们解决的办法。

    Limitation of persons with ability is the biggest problem we have faced and we try to build up our hospital system .

  16. 两种管理手段的关系应是:制度化管理是基础,人性化管理是灵魂,两者应相互补充。

    The relation in them should be institutionalized management is basis , humanization management is soul ; they should be mutually supplement .

  17. 企业制度化管理成效可通过企业成员对制度的服从态度及行为表现体现出来。

    A company 's effectiveness of regime management is decided by it members'attitude of obedience to the regime and their corresponding behavior .

  18. 北京武警总医院自启用洁净手术部后,采取本底调查,坚持日常全环境监测与制度化管理。

    Our hospital set up an operation room cleansing department , carried out background survey , daily overall environment surveillance and systematic management .

  19. 对图书馆以人为本制度化管理的探讨浅谈高校图书馆管理和服务的人本化

    On the Institutionalized Management of Libraries with the Principle of Being Based on People ; On Human-Oriented Service and Management Patterns in University Libraries

  20. 根据自身工作经验结合管理学理论,探讨制度化管理与人性化管理在高校学生管理中的运用。

    According to my working practice and management theory , this text explores the applying of institutionalized management and humanization management in university students ' management .

  21. 高校招生管理系统是为了提高高校招生的工作效率,实现招生工作科学化、制度化管理的有效工具。

    The University Enrollment Management System is intended to improve the efficiency of its students , the students can work to achieve scientific , systematic and effective management tool .

  22. 具体来讲有:提高税收政策制定的质量、提高税收政策执行制度化管理、对税务机关有效执行政策建立监督控制机制、加强信息沟通与协调、提高税务机关人员素质。

    It was argued there that we should improve the quality of policy-making , improve institutionalized management of taxation policy-implementation , reinforce supervision , promote communicative coordination and enhance personnel management .

  23. 证券监管体制是指一个国家通过立法设立或认可的对该国证券行业进行制度化管理、控制、协调的整个体系。

    The securities supervision system means a system which one country sets or admits by legislation that is to systematically manage , to control and to harmonize the country 's securities industry .

  24. 泰罗创立的科学管理原理的核心是标准化、规范化和制度化管理,它是管理的基础,直到今天仍有重大的现实意义。

    The core of the principles of scientific management founded by Taylor is the management of standardization and regularization , which is the foundation of management and of great significance up to now .

  25. 在指导院校审核,促进质量改进方面,欧洲高等教育区质量保证的系统化标准和制度化管理走在了世界的前列,其内外部质量保证标准和元评估标准构成了完整的标准体系。

    In guiding institutional audit and promoting quality improvements , the systematic standards and institutionalized management of quality assurance of the European Higher Education Area take its place in the front ranks of the world .

  26. 图书馆管理宏观上应以系统化管理、制度化管理、标准化管理、现代化管理构建理论框架,实现图书馆管理的科学化。

    This paper suggests that macroscopic library administration should take systematic administration , regulation administration , standardized administration , and modernized administration as its theory structure . Only in this way can fulfill scientific library administration .

  27. 分析了政治、经济体制改革过程中,在单位调整与合并的特殊时期对档案文件材料收集的影响,针对性地提出了以人为本、制度化管理、规范收集档案文件材料的思路和措施。

    The paper analyzed the influence of archive collection by separation and reunification of organizations during the political and economic reform , and put foreword the ideas of humanistic and regulatory management and of regularized collection measures .

  28. 根据实际工作经验,论述了燃煤电厂环境保护工作的重要性,并从环保设计、制度化管理、环境监测、水务管理等方面进行了具体阐述

    The importance of environmental protection in a coal fired power plant has been discussed based on author , s practical experience A detailed description for environmental protection design , regulation management , environmental monitoring , water management has beed outlined

  29. 高校教育管理主要包括教学管理、行政管理和学生思想政治工作等,管理手段以制度化管理为主,管理对象是人,即高校学生和教师。

    College education management mainly include the teaching management administrative management and the ideological work of the college students , etc. The methods of management are mainly based on institutionalization and its object is human beings , namely college teachers and students .

  30. 新时期家族制私营企业谋求发展壮大的关键是突破人力资源管理定势,实行对人力资源的人本管理、知识化管理、专业化管理以及制度化管理,优化人才配置,留住智力资源。

    At new era , the key to development of family-style enterprises is to break through human resources management custom and to implement human-based management , knowledge-based management , specialization management and systematic management in order to optimize talents resources and to own intellectual resources .