
zhì zào yè
  • manufacturing industry;manufacture;manufacturing business
制造业[zhì zào yè]
  1. 制造业受燃料短缺的影响最为严重。

    Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage .

  2. 故意忽略我们的制造业引起了这个问题。

    Wilful neglect of our manufacturing industry has caused this problem

  3. 在经济衰退期,制造业有很多人失业了。

    Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession .

  4. 重点已经从制造业向服务行业转移。

    There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries .

  5. 飞机制造业仍旧举步维艰,发展速度之缓很让人头疼。

    Aircraft production continued to plod along at an agonizingly slow pace .

  6. 英国制造业未能经受住20世纪70年代危机的考验。

    British manufacturing failed to meet the crisis of the 1970s

  7. 10月,制造业经济已经连续第6个月出现萎缩状况。

    The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month .

  8. 人们认为他们简直是疯了,竟然想从制造业中赚钱。

    People thought they were all crazy to try to make money from manufacturing

  9. 制造业持续衰退。

    The manufacturing economy remains on a downswing .

  10. 到1925年,制造业的蓝领工人已成为最大的职业群体。

    By 1925 , blue-collar workers in manufacturing industry had become the largest occupational group .

  11. 制造业的就业机会相对很少,但是我时刻留意着信息。

    Jobs in manufacturing are relatively scarce but I keep my ear to the ground .

  12. 采矿业增长了9.1%,制造业增长了9.4%,服务业增长了4.3%。

    Mining rose by 9.1 % , manufacturing by 9.4 % and services by 4.3 % .

  13. 该国因制造业丧失了240万个就业机会而遭到严重打击。

    The country was being brought to its knees by the loss of 2.4 million manufacturing jobs

  14. 自去年起,制造业已经萎缩了1.5%。

    The manufacturing industry has contracted by 1.5 % since last year .

  15. 莱特兄弟是早期飞机制造业的探索者。

    The Wright brothers pioneered in early aviation .

  16. 现代制造业和技术的发展使公司能够快速而廉价地生产产品。

    Thanks to modern manufacturingand technology , companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively .

  17. 这种对"后工业社会"的信仰导致这些国家忽视制造业,这也就对经济产生了负面影响。

    This belief in " post-industrial society " has led those countries to neglect their manufacturing sector with negative consequences for their economies .

  18. 制造业规模太小有碍经济增长。

    A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy .

  19. 推动我国汽车制造业高质量发展,必须加强关键核心技术和关键零部件的自主研发,实现技术自立自强,做强做大民族品牌。

    We should strengthen the independent development of core technologies and components manufacturing industry and build strong domestic automobile brands .

  20. 具体举措:做大做强先进制造业。建设智能制造、新材料、新能源汽车、电子信息等产业基地。

    Regarding promoting advanced manufacturing , the guideline urges the building of industrial bases focused on sectors including intelligent manufacturing , new materials , new-energy vehicles and electronic information .

  21. 国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆表示,国家将进一步优化外资营商环境,推行一系列政策,包括缩减外资准入负面清单,鼓励外资参与中国制造业高质量发展。

    Ning Jizhe , deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission , said that the country would further improve the business environment for foreign investment , implementing and incentivizing overseas investors in participating in the high-quality development of its manufacturing industry .

  22. 中国在基础设施建设和制造业领域,新西兰在农业科技、信息技术、清洁能源等领域,各自有着突出优势,两国可以取长补短、互为所用。

    With China 's strengths in infrastructure and manufacturing and New Zealand 's advantages in agricultural science and technology , IT and clean energy , the two countries have much to offer to each other and may draw upon each other 's strong points .

  23. 延续执行企业研发费用加计扣除75%政策,将制造业企业加计扣除比例提高到100%,用税收优惠机制激励企业加大研发投入,着力推动企业以创新引领发展。

    We will continue to implement the policy of granting an extra tax deduction of 75 percent on enterprises ' R & D costs , and we will raise this to 100 percent for manufacturing enterprises . By employing such mechanisms for preferential tax treatment , we can encourage enterprises to increase R & D spending and pursue innovation-driven development .

  24. 加入WTO以来中国制造业国际竞争力的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on International Competitiveness of China Manufacturing since WTO Accession

  25. WTO与装备制造业国企改革

    WTO and Reform on the SOEs for Equipment Manufacturing Industry

  26. 那个零件制造业者是专属于x汽车公司的。

    That parts manufacturer is captive to X Motor Company .

  27. WTO与中国制造业&兼作太重发展的思考

    WTO and China Machine Building Industry & Ponderation on the Development of Taizhong

  28. 市场结构、产权结构与RD中国制造业的实证分析

    Market Structure , Ownership Structure and R D An Empirical Study on Chinese Manufacturing Industry

  29. WTO与中国制造业

    WTO and china 's manufacturing industry

  30. 我国制造业的CM模式及其影响因素

    CM Pattern of Manufacturing Industry and Its Affecting Factors