
zhì lěnɡ jì
  • refrigerant;cooling agent
  1. 基于改进BP神经网络的制冷剂状态参数计算模型

    Calculation Model Based on Improved BP Network of Refrigerant State Parameters

  2. 天然制冷剂CO2是21世纪汽车空调的首选

    Primary Refrigerant CO_2 of Automobile Air-conditioning in the 21st Century

  3. 随后出台的政策禁用了部分制冷剂,如破坏臭氧层的氟氯碳化合物。

    Regulations are outlawing certain refrigerants , such as chlorofluorocarbons , which contain ozone-depleting chemicals .

  4. R(22)替代制冷剂的性能评估

    Performance Evaluation of Alternative Refrigerants for R 22

  5. 制冷剂CO2两相流动及沸腾传热特点分析

    Analysis of two-phase flow and boiling heat transfer performance of refrigerant carbon dioxide

  6. 两级模糊PID在变制冷剂流量空调控制中的应用

    Application of Two-stage Fuzzy PID Control in Variable Refrigerant Volume Air Conditioning Systems

  7. CO2/R170混合物作为复叠式制冷系统低温环路制冷剂的性能

    Performance of binary mixture of CO_2 / R170 as low temperature circuit refrigerant in cascade refrigeration system

  8. 高品质的UV紫外光源与对比增强眼镜可以让您精确定位液体或制冷剂泄漏。

    A high-quality UV light source with contrast-enhancing glasses allows you to precisely locate fluid or refrigerant leaks .

  9. 与常用氟利昂类制冷工质的主要性能指标进行对比,认为CO2将是最具有竞争力的替代制冷剂。

    Comparison of main properties with commonly-used working fluids indicates that CO_2 is the most competitive replacement refrigerant .

  10. 考察了制冷剂充注量对系统各部件运行参数、压缩机耗功、系统制冷量和COP的影响。

    And refrigerant charge amount on the system performance have been also experimentally studied .

  11. 矿物基纳米冷冻机油与HFC制冷剂的相溶性

    Miscibility of HFC refrigerant and mineral nano-refrigeration oil

  12. ODS替代制冷剂的发展态势和我国的对策建议

    Development of Substitute Refrigerant of ODS and Counter Measures in Our Country

  13. 复叠式制冷系统低温环路制冷剂R744(CO2)/R290的实验研究

    Experimental study on R744 / R290 in low-temperature circuit of cascade refrigeration system

  14. 当冷凝温度相同时,2种制冷剂的COP、单位体积制冷量随过冷度的增大而增大。

    In addition , COP and volumetric refrigerating capacity increased with increasing subcooled temperature at the same condensation temperature .

  15. 空气无毒无害,作为制冷剂可以被认为是氟利昂(CFCs)的最佳替代物。

    Air is regarded as the best refrigerant to substitution of the CFCs .

  16. 在一定的冷凝温度和蒸发温度下,随着混合制冷剂中CO2的质量分数增加,循环单位制冷量和压力比都增大;

    And when giving the evaporating temperature and condensing temperature , the increasing mass fraction of CO2 enhance refrigerating output by unit mass refrigerant and compression ratio .

  17. 空调系统中CFC制冷剂的替代

    Replacement of CFC Refrigerants in Air conditioning Systems

  18. UNIFAC基团贡献法预测混合制冷剂的气液相平衡

    Estimation of refrigerant mixture phase equilibrium with UNIFAC model

  19. R22的混合制冷剂替代研究

    Study on New Refrigerant Mixtures as Alternatives to R22

  20. CFCs和HCFCs替代制冷剂的趋势与展望

    The Trend and Prospect of CFCs HCFCs Alternative Refrigerants

  21. 一种替代CFC-12、HFC-134a新型的绿色制冷剂-GFL-12

    Gfl-12 new type green refrigerant of substitute for hfc-134a 、 cfc-12

  22. 制冷剂R22临界参数及其汽液共存曲线的测定

    The measurements of the critical parameters and the vapor - liquid coexistence curve for R22

  23. 在汽车空调中,具有对环境友好性和优良的热物理特性的天然工质CO2与其他制冷剂相比有独特优势。

    Through comparing CO2 with other refrigerants , the advantages of CO2 as a natural refrigerant are due to its environmental benign and good thermal properties in the automobile air-condition system .

  24. 介绍了船用制冷系统的基本形式以及船用制冷剂的发展与选择,确定船用CO2制冷装置应采取跨临界循环形式。

    Basic forms of marine refrigeration system , development and selection of marine refrigerants were introduced , and trans-critical cycle is determined as the optimum form of marine CO_2 refrigeration system .

  25. 基于Lattice-Boltzmann方法的混合制冷剂粘度计算

    Calculation of the Viscosity of Mixed Refrigerant Based on Lattice-Boltzmann Method

  26. HFC-161混合物作为HCFC-22替代制冷剂的实验研究

    Experimental study on HFC-161 mixture as an alternative refrigerant to HCFC-22

  27. 本文将文献[1]中所汇集的一组以英制单位表示的氟利昂制冷剂热力性质方程式,按照换算其基本方程式中的系数值的方法转换为SI制。

    In this paper , the equations of the thermodynamic properties for freon refrigerants in English System mentioned in Reference are transformed into SI System on basis of the converting the coefficient in the basic equations .

  28. 介绍CO2制冷剂跨临界循环的优势,回顾CO2压缩机的发展历史,对已开发的各种类型的CO2压缩机进行分析,总结CO2压缩机发展的关键技术。

    Describes the advantage of the refrigerant CO_2.Reviews the developing history of CO_2 compressor . Analyzes the CO_2 compressors of different types that have been developed . Summarizes the key technology of CO_2 compressors .

  29. 分析了双喷射制冷系统COP与发生器温度、冷凝器温度的关系。比较了以R123和R134a为制冷剂的太阳能双喷射制冷系统运行性能。

    The relationship between the system COP and the generator temperature , the condenser temperature was analyzed .

  30. 在我国,其消费动力主要来自于作为化工中间体,如合成新型环保制冷剂HFC-134a,需求年增长率达10.7%。因此有反倾销的案例发生。

    The annual increasing rate for refrigerant HFC - 134a is 10.7 % , consequently with some antidumping cases .