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cì pèi
  • tattoo the face of a criminal and send him into exile
刺配 [cì pèi]
  • [tattoo the face of a criminal and send him into exile] 古代在犯人脸部刺字并发配边远地方

刺配[cì pèi]
  1. 合谷刺配合化脓灸治疗类风湿性关节炎活动期疗效观察

    Observation on therapeutic effect of muscular needling combined with scarring moxibustion on active stage of rheumatoid arthritis

  2. 腿痛穴芒刺配合阳陵泉温针灸治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察

    Clinic Observation of Prolapse of Lumber Intervertebral Disc Treatment by the Positive Mausoleum Acupuncture with Needle Warming Moxibustion

  3. 宋元话本中的刺配刑与当时的历史法律文献记载基本吻合,体现了小说家对时代风物典制的准确描述。

    The scripts for story-telling in SONG and YUAN Dynasties reflected the author'distinctive description of the times records .

  4. 刺配刑是从汉代以来的有关劳役刑发展而来的,在宋代盛行,是当时司法活动中的主要量刑方式。

    Tattooing the face of a criminal and sending him into exile grew up from the penal servitude torture of HAN Dynasty .

  5. 目的观察傍针刺配合一指禅推治疗顽固性面瘫的临床疗效。

    Conclusion Proximal needling plus qi-concentrated single-finger manipulation is an effective way to treat refractory facial paralysis and worthy of popularization and application .

  6. 纹身法:像古代犯人的“刺配沧州”,使黑色素渗入皮肤,以形成所设计的眉的形状。

    A ? tattoo Law : Ancient prisoners as " narrated Cangzhou " to infiltrate into melanoma skin to form designed by the brow shapes .