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  1. 机械刻槽深埋电极太阳电池中二氧化硅层的制备

    Preparation of Silicondioxide in Mechanically Grooved Buried Contact Solar Cell

  2. 结合实验室制备机械刻槽深埋电极太阳电池的工艺过程及实验结果,给出二氧化硅层参数的最佳设计及制备方法。

    According to the process of the mechanically grooved buried contact solar cell and the results of the experiments , the optimized parameter design and the preparation of silicon oxide are given .

  3. 这里刻的太深了!

    You carved it too deep !

  4. 悲哀的创痕在你身上刻得越深,你越能容受更多的欢乐。

    The deeper that sorrow carves into your being , the more joy you can contain .

  5. 褐斑从他脸的两侧一直蔓延下去,他的双手常用绳索拉大鱼,留下了刻得很深的伤疤。

    The blotches ran well down the sides of his face and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords .

  6. 因为这意味着蚀刻系统必须能以纳米刻度,以超高精度在芯片上刻下极深、极窄的沟槽。

    That means the etching systems have to be capable of creating extremely deep and narrow trenches in silicon , at the nanometer scale , with immense precision .

  7. 现有的共轭孔型650开坯轧机的轧辊刻槽过深,严重影响轧辊强度,在实际生产中断辊事故频繁发生。

    The notch groove on the roller of 650 cogging-down rolling mill with conjugate pass is so deep that the strength of the roller is influenced seriously with the result of that the accidents of roller breaking occur frequently .