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qián wèi
  • vanguard;halfback;advance guard
前卫 [qián wèi]
  • (1) [advance guard]∶部队行军时派在前方担任警戒的部队

  • (2) [halfback]∶站在紧靠前锋线的球员(例如在曲棍球、足球或橄榄球赛中)

前卫[qián wèi]
  1. 能指挥我的前卫,如未接获我的命令,您无权擅自停战媾和。

    You only command my advance guard and you have no right to make any truce without my order .

  2. 现代年轻白领的生活信念是,讲时尚,讲前卫,讲个性,这实际上是对一种自由生活的追求。

    The life belief of contemporary and young white-collar is , tell vogue , tell advance guard , stress individual character , this is the pursuit of free to a kind life actually .

  3. 中前卫泰勒为俱乐部射进了他的第一粒进球。

    Centre half Tiler netted his first goal for the club .

  4. 芭蕾舞观众认为埃里克·霍金斯的舞蹈设计非常前卫。

    The choreography of Eric Hawkins is considered radical by ballet audiences .

  5. 他展示了一个枢纽前卫非常全面的技术。

    He demonstrated the all-round skills of a quarterback .

  6. 我母亲思想前卫,给予了我文化和艺术的熏陶。

    My mother was ahead of her time . She surrounded me with culture and art .

  7. 其他一些雇主,比如前卫的朋克/摇滚音乐及服饰零售商HotTopic,每月发放奖金、现金和奖品奖励。

    Others , like edgy , punk / rock music clothier Hot Topic ( HOTT-news-people ), give out monthly bonuses , cash and prize incentives .

  8. 9月24日,在切尔西(Chelsea),一座名为Chamber的独特画廊将在一栋毗邻高线(HighLine)的前卫共管公寓楼内开业。

    On Sept. 24 , in an avant-garde condo tower that butts up against the High Line , an unusual gallery called Chamber will open in Chelsea .

  9. 电视系列节目“美国偶像”(americanidol)的创造者富勒,已经让一位出色的右前卫变成一个伟大的品牌。

    Mr Fuller , creator of American Idol , the television series , has turned a very good right-half into a great brand .

  10. 大卫贝克汉姆(davidbeckham)等男性通过变幻无常的发型,以及皮带和布裙等前卫的尝试,来有意识地吸引两性的注意。

    Men such as David Beckham have consciously appealed to both sexes with flirtatious changes of hairstyle and experimentation with thongs and sarongs .

  11. 想看更前卫的景观,就去都市狂欢(UrbanSpree)画廊,这个高能量艺术馆位于斯普利河附近一座后工业时代的街区,平时这里也承办艺术盛典。

    newer on the scene is Urban Spree , a high-energy gallery in a postindustrial complex near the Spree River , which also hosts art events .

  12. Reich在加利福尼亚米尔斯大学学习作曲,这无形中培养了他前卫的创造力。

    Reich was studying composition at Mills College in California , a hotbed of-garde creativity .

  13. alphaWorks新兴技术网站可为前卫开发人员提供体验来自IBM的最新创新技术的特有机会。

    The alphaWorks emerging technologies web site provides a unique opportunity for early adopter developers to experience the latest innovations from IBM .

  14. 然而这次的最新任务ILC【创立时名为国际橡胶公司(InternationalLatexCorp.)】以前却从未接手过:为美国国家航空航天局(NASA)制造时尚前卫的宇航服。

    And yet ILC ( which was founded as international latex Corp. ) has never before embarked on its latest mission : to make a fashion-forward suit for NASA .

  15. 28岁的纽约居民亚当·赫兹(AdamHertz),开心地观看了前卫爵士乐先驱麦德斯基·马丁和伍德(MedeskiMartinandWood)在六月的演出。

    New York resident Adam Hertz , 28 , had a wonderful time seeing edgy jazz pioneers Medeski Martin and Wood perform in June .

  16. 猎头公司SpencerStuart领导力顾问部门负责人迈克尔·安德森(MichaelJ.Anderson)说,前卫的艺术藏品也许表明该企业鼓励创新。

    A cutting-edge art collection may demonstrate that a business encourages innovation , said Michael J. Anderson , head of leadership advisory services for recruiters Spencer Stuart .

  17. 商界人士使用“前进情景”(go-forwardscenario)和“灵活回应”(flexponsive)这样的词,原因是他们想要显得前卫。

    Business people use words such as " go-forward scenario " and " flexponsive " because they are trying to sound cutting-edge .

  18. 另一前卫豹纹男装设计师是英国针织服装三人组合Sibling,他们推出了自己的豹纹运动衫(售价260英镑起)。

    Another label pioneering leopard for men is British knit trio Sibling , who have made the leopard sweater their own ( from £ 260 ) .

  19. 因此,像烈焰红唇(TheFlamingLips)这样的乐队不仅通过前卫艺术摇滚为自己赢得了声誉,而且还创造了一些最令人难以忘怀的商品。

    Thus bands like the flaming lips can build a name for themselves not only for Avant art rock , but for creating some of the most memorable merch around .

  20. 虽然他们的工作也许很重要,不过他们就是对车柱上的特殊曲线、肩线上的镀铬和前卫的N辐铝合金轮毂说“不”的人。

    Essential though their job may be , they are the ones who say " no " to the special curve in the roof pillar , the extra bit of chrome on the shoulder line , or the fancy spokes on the aluminum wheels .

  21. SOHO中国所传达的文化理念也成为城市前卫人群认可的品牌。

    Furthermore , the cultural concept conveyed by SOHO China and its developments has become a brand name recognized by sophisticated and global minded urban dwellers .

  22. 主要影响因素为色彩,此风格设计注重的方面为布局,标志设计和图片的设计;风格B的网站风格偏向国际、前卫、创意、专业、精致、华丽、活泼。

    The main factor is the color , and the design of the style focuses on the layout design , logo design and graphics design ; The style of the second one is closing to international , avant-garde , creative , professional , elegant , gorgeous and lively .

  23. 于是他们邀请著名英国建筑师诺曼福斯特(normanfoster)为这座曼哈顿的标志性大楼设计21世纪风格的内部装饰,同时兼具实用、前卫以及节约成本等特点。

    So they asked Norman Foster , the renowned British architect , to design a 21st-century interior for one of their iconic Manhattan buildings , one that would be practical , cutting-edge - and cost-saving .

  24. 道格玛运动之后,前卫的丹麦电影还包括2001年的《最爱还是他》(ShakeItAllAbout),讲述一个男人向男友求婚,之后又爱上一个女人的故事;

    After Dogme , progressive Danish films have included " Shake It All About " ( 2001 ) , which revolves around a man who proposes to his boyfriend , then also falls in love with a woman ;

  25. 视线瞄准前卫重型防空/反坦克系统(ADATS);

    The line-of - sight forward heavy air defense / anti-tank system ( ADATS );

  26. 我在芬兰组织了第一届苏联地下文化节,其中包括亚历山大罗德琴柯(aleksandrrodchenko)和其他苏联前卫艺术家的作品。

    I organised the first festival of Russian underground culture in Finland , which included work by Aleksandr Rodchenko and other avant-garde Russian artists .

  27. 在谈到楚格设计的早期阶段,和那些引发热议的作品时,前卫设计师穆雷·莫斯(MurrayMoss)做出了如下区分:那不是聪明,而是明智。他说。

    Speaking of the early years of Droog and the work that set so many tongues wagging , the avant-garde design purveyor Murray Moss made a distinction : It wasn 't clever , it was smart , he said .

  28. 与前卫艺术家相关的阁楼(即英文单词loft)概念形成于20世纪中期,近年来,在国内被作为一个时尚用语,频繁出现于书籍、杂志、电影、房地产广告上。

    The concept of lofts relating to the avant-garde artists is engendered in mid-20th century , which is frequently showing up as a stylish diction in the books , magazines , films , and real estate advertisements .

  29. 斯帝阿姿(Steel-arts)家具以现代、简约、时尚、前卫充分诠释现代人的生活理念和审美取向。

    Steel-arts annotate the modern life idea and taste-oriented with the philosophy modern , simple and advanced .

  30. 在谈到楚格设计的早期阶段,和那些引发热议的作品时,前卫设计师穆雷·莫斯(MurrayMoss)做出了如下区分:“那不是聪明,而是明智。”他说。

    Speaking of the early years of Droog and the work that set so many tongues wagging , the avant-garde design purveyor Murray Moss made a distinction : " It wasn 't clever , it was smart , " he said .