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qián tou
  • at the head;in front;in front of;future;before;formerly
前头 [qián tou]
  • (1) [in front]∶前面

  • 先烈们在我们的前头牺牲了

  • (2) [in front of]∶面前;跟前

  • 王母前头作伴行

  • (3) [future]∶今后,将来

  • 总想着前头的事

  • (4) [before;formerly]∶以前

  • 又犯了前头的旧病

前头[qián tou]
  1. 我在队伍的最前头等候着。

    I waited at the head of the queue .

  2. 前头坐一个9年级的女生。

    And a girl from the9th grade sits at the head .

  3. 如果你想养条狗,有话说在前头,那可既费时间又费钱。

    If you 're thinking of getting a dog , be warned ─ they take a lot of time and money .

  4. C连的哨兵就在前头。

    C Company 's sentries were just ahead .

  5. 据说他是前头面临任务的最佳人选。

    He was tailor-made , it was said , for the task ahead

  6. 站在队伍前头。

    Stand at the front of the line

  7. 运动在发展中,又有新的东西在前头,新东西是层出不穷的。

    The movement is developing , new things have yet to emerge , and they are emerging in an endless stream .

  8. 他在前头跑,其他人紧随其后。

    He ran ahead , with the others hard on his heels .

  9. 我要抢在你前头到达终点!

    I 'll beat you to the winning post !

  10. 我要跑在前头,警告他们。

    I 'll run ahead and warn them .

  11. 头等车室在前头。

    The first-class compartments are in front .

  12. 我把丑话说在前头,事情办糟了你可得负责。

    I must tell you bluntly that should anything go wrong you will be held responsible .

  13. 既然我现在已跑在所有人的前头了,如果我能保持住,我就胜利了。

    If I can only stay ahead of the other runners , now that I am in the lead , I can win this race !

  14. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天》)

    A thousand sails pass by the sunken ship , | ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree . & new things ( or forces ) will always take the place of the old ones .

  15. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。

    Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife .

  16. 现在NBA明星的下一波新潮流就要踏上最前头了。

    Now the next wave of NBA stars is ready to step to the forefront .

  17. n.海市蜃楼;空想我看见一个幻影,使得前头的公路好似被水淹没一般。

    mirage I saw a mirage that made highway ahead seem to be flooded with water .

  18. 同样重要的是,你需要在第一次观测报告的最前头指定CODXXX。

    It is also important that you specify COD XXX in the observation header for your initial batch .

  19. JackdawResearch科技业分析师简•道森(JanDawson)表示:我认为Note的发布时机毫无疑问是为了抢在苹果新品发布前头。

    There 's no doubt in my mind that the timing of the Note launch was intended to pre-empt Apple 's announcement , said Jan Dawson , tech analyst at Jackdaw Research .

  20. 在前的;领先adv.向前的;领先的汤姆走得快,所以不久他就走到别人前头去了。

    ahead Tom was a quick walker , so he soon got ahead of the others .

  21. 1988年,郭台铭(TerryGou)开始在深圳市北部的龙华镇开办工厂,他走在了大多数其它电子公司的前头。

    When Terry Gou opened a factory in Longhua , a town north of Shenzhen in southern China in 1988 , he was ahead of most other electronics companies .

  22. 金姆•玛伦(KimJensenMarren)五年前撞上一辆突然停在前头的卡车,脚踝骨折。

    Kim Jensen Marren broke her ankle when she collided with a truck that pulled in front of her bicycle five years ago .

  23. 但自现任总理纳吉布•拉扎克(NajibRazak)2009年上台以来,中国跑到了前头。

    But under Najib Razak , prime minister since 2009 , China has moved to the fore .

  24. 亚马逊一方面将面临与联邦快递(FedEx)和联合包裹(UPS)等企业的正面竞争,另一方面还意图抢在中国电子商务领域领军者阿里巴巴前头,为中小型制造企业提供通往国际市场的便利通道。

    While pitting itself in direct competition with the likes of FedEx and UPS , Amazon will also aim to facilitate a route to the international marketplace for smaller manufacturers ahead of Alibaba , the leading force in Chinese e-commerce .

  25. 饮酒400ml后,中央区电极被判到后头部数量减少,前头部和侧头部电极被判到中央区数量减少。

    After drinking 400 ml , the number of electrodes which the central was sentenced to the back reduced , the former and sides were sentenced to the central reduced .

  26. 瑞信(creditsuisse)驻多伦多分析师拉尔夫普罗菲蒂(ralphprofiti)表示:“目前的情形似乎是,在美国、日本或韩国需要重新补充库存之前,中国正抢在其它所有国家前头,建立战略库存。”

    Ralph Profiti , analyst at Credit Suisse in Toronto , says : " what seems to be happening is that it seems China is getting ahead of anybody else and building up a strategic stockpile before the Americans , Japan or Korea need to do their restocking . "

  27. 我们找到他了,就在你们前头。

    We got him . we 're just ahead of you .

  28. 前头的龙凤正引导她升天。

    The Phoenix and dragon are leading her up to heaven .

  29. 他将两根柱子立在殿廊前头,右边立一根,起名叫雅斤。

    He erected the pillars at the portico of the temple .

  30. 长江的前头就是蔚蓝浩瀚的大海!

    The Yangtze River is heading for the vast azure sea .