
qián dǎo
  • Leading;precede;guide;lead the way;bellwether;lead-up;march in front;a person who leads the way
前导 [qián dǎo]
  • [precede] 在前面开路,走在前面

  • [guide] 领路人,在方法或道路上领导或指引其他人的人

前导[qián dǎo]
  1. λN基因前导序列对下游基因表达的控制作用

    λ N Gene Expression Regulated by the Leader Sequence

  2. 该文研究多径衰落信道条件下,基于SIR的前导检测。

    SIR-based preamble detection is investigated under multipath fading condition .

  3. 基于前导序列的OFDM定时同步与信道估计算法

    A preamble-aided timing synchronization and channel estimation scheme for OFDM systems

  4. 经DNA序列分析表明所获基因含有全部前导序列,其成熟蛋白编码部分与从第一骨架区引物所克隆的序列相符。

    DNA sequences analysis indicated that the cloned genes included the whole leader sequences and the mature Ig protein encoding regions .

  5. 基于循环移位前导序列的OFDM载波同步方法

    Carrier Frequency Synchronization Scheme of OFDM Based on Cyclic - shifted Preamble Sequences

  6. 同时构建前导RNA的转录模板,经体外转录得到地高辛标记的RNA。

    Meanwhile , the DIG labeled RNA leader sequences were synthesized by in vitro transcription .

  7. 基于前导字的WLANOFDM系统载波频偏估计

    Carrier Frequency Estimation for WLAN OFDM System Based on Preamble

  8. 周期前导结构OFDM帧信号的检测

    Frame Detection of OFDM Signal with Periodic Preamble

  9. 论文首先使用DSP的单核来运行前导检测算法,再使用三核运行此算法。

    This article first uses single-core to run the algorithm , and then uses three-core to run the algorithm .

  10. 提高WLAN前导码检测效率

    Improving Efficiency When Detecting WLAN Preambles

  11. 小麦丛矮病毒的盘状结构由病毒前导RNA和推定的N2蛋白组成

    The disc component of Wheat Rosette Stunt Virus consists of the viral plus-strand leader RNA and putative n2-protein

  12. 基于LTE上行的随机接入前导信号与SRS信号间干扰研究

    Interference between sounding reference signal and random access preamble based on LTE uplink

  13. 基于高速移动环境的LTE上行随机接入前导序列的生成

    Generation of preamble sequence in LTE uplink random access based on high-speed mobile environment

  14. 提出了一种在突发OFDM系统中,基于改进前导序列的快速粗符号定时方法。

    Based on improved preamble , a kind of fast coarse symbol synchronization algorithm in burst OFDM communication is presented in this article .

  15. 碱基使用和密码子使用表明前导链的基因具有的碱基G比C更多,碱基T比A更多,尤其在第三密码子位。

    The base usage and codon usage analyses show that genes on the leading strand have more G than C and more T than A , particularly at the third codon position .

  16. 本文指出现有的自适应均衡器快速kalman算法和斜格算法属于滤波型算法,不能很好地消除前导干扰。

    The fast Kalman algorithm and the lattice algorithm for adaptive equalization , which have been so far presented , are of filtering algorithm type .

  17. 克隆枯草芽孢杆菌纤溶酶(Bacillussubtilisfibrinolyticenzyme,BSFE)基因及其前导肽序列。

    Bacillus subtilis fibrinolytic enzyme ( BSFE ) gene with its signal peptide and propeptide sequece were cloned .

  18. 在分析OFDM系统载波频偏信号模型的基础上,提出了基于单OFDM前导符号载波同步的高效算法。

    Based on analyzing OFDM signal model of carrier frequency offset , an efficient algorithm of carrier frequency synchronization using one OFDM preamble symbol is presented .

  19. RoR假设片段命名时使用一个前导下划线。

    RoR assumes that partials are named with a leading underscore .

  20. 全数字无前导字突发模式PSK接收机

    A full digital preamble-less burst-mode PSK receiver

  21. 同时也介绍了MIMO-OFDM系统中的同步技术,包括MIMO-OFDM帧同步和载波频率同步,并提出了改进的前导序列生成方法。

    The algorithm of MIMO-OFDM synchronization is also proposed with improved training sequences including frame synchronization and frequency synchronization .

  22. u选项会使内置的sort命令删除重复的行(如果它们已经被存储),前导的%会应用那个特殊的sort来应用到整个文件。

    The u option causes the built-in sort command to remove duplicate lines ( once they 've been sorted ), and the leading % applies that special sort to the entire file .

  23. SPU指令clz(countleadingzeroes,计算前导零;在C语言intrinsic中称为spucntlz)很适合进行这样的转换。

    The SPU instruction clz ( count leading zeroes , called spu_cntlz in the C language intrinsics ) is perfect for this .

  24. Myostatin基因的编码区在不同物种间相对保守,其编码的蛋白前体由三部分组成:N末端信号肽、N端前导肽和C末端成熟肽。

    Myostatin gene coding region conserved among different species , and its encoded protein precursor consists of three components : N terminal signal peptide , N-terminal propeptide and biologically active carboxyl terminus .

  25. 文章通过仿真帧检测算法,验证了PN码作前导码的可行性和有效性,并为不同要求下的前导码选择提供了一定的依据。

    The Frame Detection Algorithm has verified the feasibility and validity of PN sequence as the lead polit-code , and provided certain basis to different cases .

  26. 为此在一种新的分布式三角形小区结构的基础上,设计了适用于分布式系统的前导符号结构,进而提出一种新的MIMO-OFDM同步方法。

    Based on a new distributed triangle cell structure , a preamble structure is designed and a novel MIMO-OFDM synchronization algorithm is proposed .

  27. 基于前导训练序列的MB-OFDM信道估计

    Channel estimation of MB-OFDM based on preamble training symbols

  28. 现在,我(或者别的什么人)可能忘记了前导斜杠或末尾斜杠,而一些Windows用户可能使用反斜杠而不是正斜杠,因此我决定在脚本中对此进行处理。

    Now I , or someone else might forget the leading or trailing slash and some Windows user might use back slashes instead of regular slashes , so I decided to just handle that in the script .

  29. 在哺乳动物中,有一个前导序列,通过IL-1β转换酶(ICE或者Caspase-1)在特定位点的切割使之称为有活性的成熟蛋白。

    There is a leader sequence in mammals , that can be cut at specific site by IL-1 β - converting enzyme ( ICE or Caspase-1 ) .

  30. 目的:探讨兔下颌持续功能前导后髁突软骨中核心结合因子α1(CoreBindingFactorα1,Cbfα1)蛋白的表达及与髁突改建的关系。

    PURPOSE : To identify the relationship between the expression of Core binding factor α 1 ( Cbf α 1 ) in condylar cartilage and condylar growth modifications in growing rabbits following forward positioning mandibles with functional appliance .