
qián jiǎo
  • anterior angle;front rake angle;procerite;rake
前角[qián jiǎo]
  1. 颞底经小脑幕手术入路骨窗为:第1孔(关键孔)位于乳突上嵴上(后端),孔的后缘与顶乳突缝前角相切。

    The keyhole of temporal base transtentorial approach is located on the supramastoid crest with the posterior rim on anterior angle of parietomastoid sutures .

  2. 在手术显微镜下观察、测量干性颅骨标本外侧面星点、顶乳突缝前角与周围解剖结构的距离及其位置关系。

    The anatomical relationships and the distance within the asterion , the anterior angle of parietomastoid sutures and the adjacent bone structures were studied with dried skulls .

  3. C2和C3见于前角外侧核;

    Angle . in lateral nuclear group at C_2 and C_3 ;

  4. 方法应用CT定位颅骨锥孔侧脑室前角持续引流术抢救治疗老年人脑室内积血患者201例。

    Methods 201 patients with primary intraventricular haemorrhage who were treated with external ventricular drainage by CT scans localization were included .

  5. 结果正常组及A、B组非损伤侧脊髓灰质前角未检出凋亡细胞;

    Results No apoptosis cell was detected in spinal cord of the control group and the group A , B 's non-injury side .

  6. 结果:(1)损伤后不同时间A、B、C组前角细胞AchE活性为AB>C;

    Results ∶ 1.AchE activity of anterior horn cells in the A , B , C groups were A B > C ;

  7. 胚胎第23周SlitmRNA在脊髓前角明显表达,表达水平较18周时增高,在后角有弱表达。

    On the 23rd week , the expression of Slit mRNA was obviously increased in anterior horn .

  8. 细胞外ATP促进体外培养大鼠脊髓前角运动神经元存活的研究

    Effects of extracellular ATP on the survival of cultured rat motor neurons of anterior spinal cord

  9. He-Ne激光经皮脊髓照射对大鼠前角神经元内若干种酶活性的影响

    The Effect of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on the Enzyme Activity in the Neurons in Rats

  10. 结果胼胝体发育不全的CT和MRI诊断要点是:①两侧脑室前角和室间孔分离;

    Results CT and MRI diagnostic criteria of corpus callosum dysplasia were : ① separation of the frontal horns of the lateral ventricles and interventricular foramina ;

  11. 第18周RobomRNA在脊髓前角表达。

    On the 18th week , Robo mRNA was expressed in anterior horn .

  12. 结果胸背神经和背阔肌注射HRP后,在脊髓可见标记的运动神经元胞体分布在同侧C6~C8前角,主要分布在C7、C8。

    Results HRP labeled motor neurons were seen at the anterior horns of the spinal cord from Q to C8 , but mainly at C_7 and C_8 level .

  13. 改变刀具前角,得出在不同的刀具前角下T(iC,N)基金属陶瓷刀具在正交切削过程中切削力以及刀具后刀面等效应力变化;

    By changing the tool rake angle , the cutting force and the variation of effective stress on tool flank under different rake angle were obtained .

  14. 脊髓腹侧压伤后前角神经元SDH、ACP活性变化

    Changes of SDH and ACP activities in spinal motoneurons after ventral cord compression in rabbits

  15. 脊髓压迫伤脊髓前角中微管相关蛋白1B的表达

    Expression of microtubule associated protein 1B in ventral horn following spinal cord compression

  16. 以坐骨神经损伤的豚鼠为动物模型,采用免疫细胞化学方法,研究脊髓前角运动细胞神经生长因子(Nervegrowthfactor,NGF)的变化。

    The changes of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) in motor neuron of anterior horn of spinal cord in guinea pigs with nerve injury were studied with immunohistochemical technique .

  17. 地塞米松对大鼠坐骨神经损伤后脊髓前角运动神经元CGRP的影响

    Effect of Dexamethasone on the EXPRESSion of CGRP in Neurons of Spinal Cord Following Sciatic Nerve Injury

  18. 脊髓前角原代培养细胞ACP酶的观察

    The Observation of ACP ase of Primary Cultured Cells in Anterior Horns of Spinal Cord

  19. 细胞外ATP对坐骨神经损伤后脊髓前角运动神经元保护作用的实验研究

    An experimental study on protective effect of extracellular ATP to motor neurons in anterior horn of spinal cord after sciatic nerve injury

  20. 目的探讨细胞外ATP对体外培养的乳鼠脊髓前角运动神经元的作用。

    Objective To study the influence of extracellular ATP on the cultured motor neurons of anterior spinal cord in neonatal SD rats .

  21. PDC无心钻头切削齿横向前角和覆盖系数与钻进性能的关系

    Drilling property of PDC non-core bit cutting prongs and its relationship with its cross rake angle and cover coeffient

  22. 条件性损伤的时间与频次对神经根撕脱伤后脊髓前角运动神经元死亡及NOS表达的影响

    The time interval and frequency of conditioning lesion affect the motoneuron NOS expression and cell death of anterior horn after spinal roots avulsion

  23. 脊髓前角降钙素基因相关肽的含量术后即减少,自术后第2d起降至正常水平的50%~80%。

    The level of CGRP in spinal motoneuron markedly reduced after surgery , was maintained at 50 80 % of normal level since the 2nd day after surgery .

  24. 马尾神经在120mmHg延时1周复压条件下对脊髓前角运动神经元胞体的影响

    One-week recompression of cauda equina at 120 mm Hg for the neuron soma of spinal cord anterior horn

  25. 抗BDNF血清对小鼠坐骨神经损伤后脊髓前角运动神经元内GAP-43表达的影响

    The effects of BDNF antiserum on expression of GAP-43 in motoneurons of spinal cord after sciatic nerve lesion in mice

  26. 但各组中脊髓前角运动神经元内的CGRP表达没有明显变化(P0.05)。

    On the contrary , there was no change in the expression of CGRP in the ventral horn of spinal cord after application of NGF ( P0.05 ) .

  27. 结果正常大鼠脊髓内存在ADM、ADMR,阳性细胞主要为脊髓前角神经元。

    Results ADM and ADMR expressed in the neurons of spinal cord anterior horn .

  28. 大鼠臂丛放射性损伤后脊髓前角运动神经元病理变化及c-fos基因表达

    The pathological changes of motor neurons and the expression of c-fos in ventral horn of spinal cord after radiation induced brachial plexus injury of rats

  29. 臂丛神经条件性损伤后对相应脊髓节段灰质前角运动神经元凋亡的影响:①正常组及A,B组非损伤侧脊髓灰质前角未检出凋亡细胞。

    Effects of brachial plexus root injuries on the apoptosis of spinal cord motor neuron showed : ( 1 ) No apoptosis cell was detected in the control group and the group A , B s non-injury side of spinal cord ;

  30. HRP注入斜方肌神经,标记细胞分布在同侧脊髓C(1-8)节段,标记细胞分布在前角的大多数亚核。

    After HRP was injected into the trapezus nerve , the labelled neurons distributed in the some subnucleus of the ventral horn and the intermedial gray at the C1-8 of the spinal cord .