
qián jīn
  • the front part of a Chinese robe or jacket;forepart
前襟 [qián jīn]
  • [forepart] 上衣等遮盖前胸的部分;有时指构成上衣前部两扇衣料中的一块

前襟[qián jīn]
  1. 他的衬衣前襟上洒了一大片咖啡。

    Coffee had splattered across the front of his shirt .

  2. 我把咖啡溅到前襟上。

    I spilled coffee down my front .

  3. 年轻人抓住他的衬衫前襟,把他摔在了地上。

    The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground .

  4. 你把什么东西洒在衬衫前襟上了。

    You 've spilled something down your shirt front .

  5. 卡尔顿的手再也不回到前襟里。

    Carton 's hand moved back to his breast no more .

  6. 岁月的风刀霜剑早已撕裂了它的前襟。

    Years of wind and rain have long torn its front .

  7. 前襟操纵拉杆开裂分析及改进措施

    Cracking Analysis and Improvement Measures of Front Flap Pull Rod

  8. 被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。

    The sheet came untucked ; plain untucked shirt front .

  9. 掀开你衬衫的前襟,顾客说。

    " Open your shirt ," the customer said .

  10. 前襟边面线宽度不均匀。

    Uneven width of top-stitches at closure edge .

  11. 卡尔顿一只手插在前襟里,低头望着他。

    Carton , standing over him with his hand in his breast , looked down .

  12. 卡尔顿右手放在前襟里,逼近他站着。

    Carton , with his right hand in his breast , stood close beside him .

  13. 本文分析了飞机前襟翼作动筒连接螺栓底座表面裂纹的形成原因。

    The cause of the surface cracks of a bolt bed was analyzed in this paper .

  14. 他身穿一套揉皱了的衣服,前襟上落满雪茄烟灰。

    He was wearing a crumpled suit , the front of which was smothered in cigar ash .

  15. 他吃饭太快了,前襟上沾满了油渍。

    He eats too fast , the front part of his jacket is dotted with oil stains .

  16. 哈利弯下腰,斯内普一把抓住他长袍的前襟把他拉近了些。

    Harry bent over him ; and Snape seized the front of his robes and pulled him close .

  17. 他的衬衫前襟是敞开的,胸前的蓝、红两色线条所构成的刺花露了出来。

    His shirt was open , exposing the blue and red lines of the tattoo on his chest .

  18. 有宽容精神的人通常胸襟开阔。被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。

    A tolerant person usually has breadth of mind . the sheet came untucked ; plain untucked shirt front .

  19. 每回她弯下腰去用手提鞋时,衣服的前襟便落在泥里。

    Every time she bent over to retrieve them , the hem of the dress fell in the mud .

  20. 他那单薄的衣衫不足以御寒。被单的褶子被拆散了;清楚地拆开衬衫的前襟。

    His scanty clothing did not keep out the cold . the sheet came untucked ; plain untucked shirt front .

  21. 可她那个破烂货她才不在乎他们在她前襟上贴个什么呢!

    But she - the naughty baggage - little will she care what they put upon the bodice of her gown !

  22. 和晚礼服(通常为半正式晚礼服)一起穿的白衬衫(有一个很拘谨的前襟)。

    A man 's white shirt ( with a starch front ) for evening wear ( usually with a tuxedo ) .

  23. 大家都伸长了脖子,看着那白衬衫前襟上闪闪发亮的宝石,目送着马车离去。

    There was a general craning of necks as the jewel in the white shirt front sparkled and the cab moved off .

  24. 然后,她俯下身来,用手抓住男孩的衬衫前襟,将他提了起来,并开始摇动他的身体,直至他的牙齿咯咯作响。

    Then she reached down , picked the boy up by his shirt front , and shook him until his teeth rattled .

  25. “我们扯什么记号不记号的,管它是在她前襟上还是脑门上呢?”

    " What do we talk of marks and brands , whether on the bodice of her gown or the flesh of her forehead ?"

  26. 比如,穿一件前襟饰有横条纹的衬衫或者系一条宽腰带都是个不错的选择。

    For example , wearing a shirt with a horizontal stripe across the chest or wrapping a thick belt around the hips are good choices .

  27. 他小心地抬起孩子的头,给她几滴药水,然后解开自己的束腰外衣和汗衫的前襟。

    Gently , he raised he head and gave her a few drops of the draught and then opened the front of his tunic and undershirt .

  28. 他双眼昏沉地望着卡尔顿,呼吸也不匀了。卡尔顿注视着他,手又伸进了前襟。

    As he looked at Carton with clouded eyes and with an altered manner of breathing , Carton his hand again in his breast looked steadily at him .

  29. 盘扣是一种装饰性的编织状扣子,用来扣住一件衣服的前襟。

    A frog ( sometimes referred to as a Chinese frog ) is an ornamental braiding for fastening the front of a garment that consists of a button and a loop through which it passes .

  30. 结合约束的概念、分类、表示及其求解的分析,并以旗袍前襟为例,对服装纸样参数化设计方法作了进一步的探讨。

    By analysis of the concept , expression , classification and solution of the constraints , the method of ( parametric ) design for pattern is discussed further with an example of the front of Qipao .