
  • 网络Vinegar;edible vinegar;table vinegar
  1. 食醋在微生物检验中快速调节pH值的实验研究

    Study of Rapidly Regulating pH Value in the Microorganism Detections of Edible Vinegar

  2. pH值对食醋中微生物检验的影响

    The Effect of pH on Microbial Detection in Vinegar

  3. 应重视辐照~(60)Coγ在酱油食醋上应用研究

    The application of irradiation ~ ( 60 ) Co γ to sauce and vinegar production methods

  4. 酿造食醋HACCP体系的建立

    The establishment of HACCP system on Fermented Vinegar

  5. HACCP体系在食醋生产中的应用

    The application of HACCP system in vinegar production

  6. DMF在酱油、食醋中的防腐效果研究

    A Study of Antiseptic Result About DMF to Soy Sauce and Vinegar

  7. 补充食醋对力竭运动大鼠肾组织bax、bcl-2和p53蛋白表达的影响

    Effects of Vinegar Supplement on Expression Bax , Bcl-2 and P53 Protein in Renal Tissue of Rats with Exhausting Exercise

  8. 结果食醋具有使血HDL-C升高,使TC、TG、LDL-C降低的作用。

    Results It is showed that vinegar can increase the level of HDL_C and reduce TC 、 TG 、 LDL_C .

  9. 测定了不同品种食醋中酚类、黄酮类化合物含量及DPPH自由基清除活性,并分析了总酚、总黄酮含量与DPPH自由基清除活性的相关性。

    Changes of the amount of total phenolic compounds , total flavones and percent of DPPH scavenging activity in different kinds of vinegar were analyzed .

  10. 方法将Na2CO3中和液改为NaOH中和液,并对不同pH值的食醋所需中和液的用量进行统计。

    [ Methods ] Neutralization solution Na_2CO_3 was replaced by the neutralization solution NaOH , and the consumption of the neutralization solution for edible vinegar of different pH values was counted .

  11. 调味品杀菌试验表明:50%食醋作用5min能将细菌灭活,而33%加饭酒24h内对细菌无杀灭作用。

    The bacteria could be destroyed in 50 % vinegar for 5 min , but were resistant to 33 % yellow wine for 24 hours .

  12. 本文对危害分析与关键点控制(HACCP)系统进行简单介绍,并对其在固态法食醋生产中的应用加以阐述。

    In this paper , we introduced the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point ( HACCP ) system and the application of HACCP system which was used in solid-state fermetation vinegar .

  13. 在浓香型大曲酒丢糟中添加TH-AADY、糖化酶和纤维素酶酿造食醋,同时配合应用生香ADY。

    TH-AADY , glucoamylase and cellulase were added in spent grains of Luzhou-flavor Daqu coupled with the use of aroma-producingADY to produce edible vinegar .

  14. 以体积分数为3.13%大蒜液与3.13%食醋组成的复方溶液对副溶血性弧菌作用2min,杀菌率亦为100%。

    The solution composed of 3.13 % ( v / v ) garlic solution and 3.13 % vinegar with a 2 min contact time also killed 100 % of V.parahaemolyticus .

  15. 以食醋为介质,煸炒番茄的最佳工艺条件为:在食醋含量0.57%、煸炒温度120℃条件下煸炒5min。

    By using vinegar as the medium , the optimum craft condition can be obtained under the concentration of vinegar 0.57 % ( approximately with 60 mL vinegar ), 120 ℃, one stir-fries 5 minutes .

  16. 试验表明:黑曲霉用量2.5%,糖化与酒精发酵180h,后熟9d,可以大幅度减少食醋浑浊与沉淀。

    It was showed that the extent of turbidity and precipitation could be greatly reduced under the following fermentation conditions : inoculum of Aspergillus niger 2.5 % , saccharification and alcohol fermentation for 180 h , and maturation for 9 d.

  17. 要生产高浓度醋,应筛选出耐高酸的菌株,本文介绍一种从酿造食醋中筛选高酸菌株的方法,并对其进行小型Frings罐的液态深层发酵实验。

    Screen out resist high acidity bacterial strain are a must produce high consistency vinegar , the paper introduce the technology of screen out resist high acidity bacterial strain from vinegar , and making an experiment to the liquid state deep ferment about the miniature Frings pot .

  18. 酿造食醋苦味的成因分析及控制

    Reasons and Control on the Formation of Bitterness of Fermented Vinegar

  19. 从酿造食醋醋脚中提取有机酸的工艺研究

    Research on abstracting organic acid from the residues of brewing vinegar

  20. 据说拜伦靠食醋和土豆为生。

    Byron is said to have lived on vinegar and potatoes .

  21. 还推荐了食醋的适当摄入量。

    And also recommended the suitable absorbtion quantities of edible vinegar .

  22. 两种食醋灌肠方法效果比较

    Comparison on effects between two ways of coloclysis with edibile vinegar

  23. 微生物在酱油、食醋生产过程中的作用和危害性

    Function and harm of microorganism in producing soy sauce and vinegar

  24. 食醋中大肠菌群标准与检验方法探讨

    Discussion on national vinegar criteria and identification method of coliform bacteria

  25. 食醋主要成分近红外光谱快速测定法

    Past Detection of Main Ingredients In vinegar By Near-Infrared Transmission Spectroscopy

  26. 食醋中微量铅测定方法的研究

    Study of the Methods of the Determining Trace Lead in Vinegar

  27. 利用醋渣作填充料酿造麸曲食醋的探讨

    Probe into using residue as additive material in vinegar brewing process

  28. 生香活性干酵母提高食醋质量的应用试验

    Application Experiment of Aroma-producing Active Dry Yeast to Improve Vinegar Quality

  29. 结论食醋对乳牙牙釉质具有脱矿作用并可使釉质表面显微硬度降低。

    Conclusion The vinegar may have erosive effect on deciduous enamel .

  30. 关于提高液态发酵食醋质量的探讨

    Discussion on improvement quality of vinegar produced with submerged fermentation