
fù zǒng tǒng
  • vice-president
  1. 副总统受到谴责,说他在几个重大问题上出尔反尔。

    The vice-president was accused of flip-flopping on several major issues .

  2. 副总统代表总统出席了这次庆典。

    The President was represented at the ceremony by the Vice-President .

  3. 副总统现在必须承担起最高权力的重任。

    The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power .

  4. 在大选之前的过渡阶段由副总统执政。

    The vice-president took power in the interim period before the election .

  5. 副总统被迫走马上任。

    The vice-president was forced to take up the reins of office .

  6. 副总统被日益排挤到权力中心之外。

    The vice-president is increasingly being sidelined .

  7. 他提名的副总统在两轮投票后才当选。

    His nominee for vice president was elected only after a second ballot

  8. 我认为副总统是局内人。

    I think that the vice president was in the loop

  9. 副总统夫人们将临时代替各位第一夫人。

    Vice-presidents ' wives would fill in for first ladies .

  10. 副总统似乎与总统有着良好的工作关系。

    The vice-president seems to have a good working relationship with the president .

  11. 他的副总统也被迫不光彩地辞去职务。

    His vice president also had to resign in disgrace

  12. 副总统坚称他支持辛勤工作的纽约人。

    The vice president insisted that he supported the hard-working people of New York

  13. 副总统承认受贿。

    The vice-president admitted taking bribes .

  14. 周一巴西副总统汉密尔顿·莫朗为中国华为技术公司参与建设巴西5G互联网网络的竞标辩护,称华为很适合这项工程

    Brazilian Vice in the bidding process to build Brazil 's 5G internet network , arguing that Huawei is well positioned for the task .

  15. 副总统当选人乔·拜登经常说,要赞颂工作的价值及其带来的高贵

    Vice President-elect Joe Biden also spoke , lauding the value of work and the dignity it brings .

  16. 美国副总统戈尔于1998年1月31日提出了数字地球的概念(Core,A.1998),这主要是由美国的国家目标和全球战略决定的。

    In 1998 , America 's vice president put forward the concept digital earth because of America 's nation targets and global stratagem .

  17. 本月早些时候,副总统乔•拜登、教育部长(SecretaryofEducation)阿恩•邓肯和参议员约翰•克里分别前往一些大学校宣传这一举措。

    Vice President Joe Biden , Secretary of Education Arne Duncan , and Senator John Kerry were dispatched to university campuses earlier this week to tout the plan .

  18. 美国最近派出副总统JoeBiden做快速访问。Bing的结果:美国最近派遣及其的副乔拜登,进行快速访问。

    America recently dispatched its vice-president , Joe Biden , on a quick visit .

  19. 副总统乔拜登(JoeBiden)也向许多众议员和参议员打了电话。

    Joe Biden , the vice-president , is also phoning many House and Senate members .

  20. 总统候选人MittRomney和副总统候选人PaulRyan周二在会上被提名。

    Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan were both be nominated Tuesday .

  21. 副总统乔•拜登(JoeBiden)表示奥巴马政府将重新考虑对华政策。

    Vice-President Joe Biden has said the Obama administration is taking a new look at China policy .

  22. 并不令人奇怪的是,美国前副总统迪克切尼(DickCheney)对这些论点不为所动。

    Unsurprisingly , Dick Cheney , the former vice-president , is unmoved by such arguments .

  23. 他也是一个祖先威廉霍华德塔夫脱,副总统查尔斯W费尔班克斯和父亲和儿子戈弗诺佛蒙特州伊拉斯塔斯费尔班克斯和霍勒斯。

    Heis also an ancestor of William Howard Taft , Vice President Charles W.Fairbanks and the father and son Governors of Vermont Erastus Fairbanksand Horace Fairbanks .

  24. 愿上帝保佑我的好朋友&当选副总统拜登(Biden)。

    God bless my good friend Vice-President-Elect Biden .

  25. 在调查涉及的部分时期,哈里伯顿的负责人是美国现任副总统迪克•切尼(DickCheney)。

    For part of the period under investigation , Halliburton was headed by Dick Cheney , the US vice-president .

  26. 第三起暗杀的目标是unocal地区副总统。

    The third assassination will be the regional vice president of unocal .

  27. 据NPR新闻的斯科特·霍斯利报道,今天副总统乔·拜登对该组织进行了尖锐的评论。

    Today Vice President Joe Biden had especially scathing remarks for the group as NPR 's Scott Horsley reports .

  28. 有关她参选可能性的猜测在一定程度上是受到她上个月与总统奥巴马(BarackObama)共进午餐以及另外一次与副总统拜登(JoeBiden)一同早餐的推动。

    Speculation about her chances was fueled in part by a lunch she had last month with President Barack Obama and a separate breakfast with Vice President Joe Biden .

  29. 周日,北卡罗来纳州摩斯威尔大量市民见到了这对新组合的共和党候选人,并为他们投票。而这只是在Ryan被选为副总统候选人的第二天。

    A huge exciting crowds met newly minted Republican tickets Sunday at Mooresville , north Carolina , a day after Ryan was named as GOP vice president pick .

  30. 最近几周,Hackett对副总统切尼对此问题做了简要报告。

    In recent weeks , Hackett briefed Vice President Cheney 's office on the problem .