
  1. 边坡稳定分析Sarma法,先计算力的平衡,再通过每个分条力矩的平衡来检验所求稳定系数的正确性。

    In sarma method for slope stability analysis , the calculation on force balance is done , followed by checking the correctness of calculated stability coefficient by the moment balance of all slices .

  2. 针对叶片的运动建立力和力矩的平衡方程,编写UDF程序并通过FLUENT加载用户自定义函数(UDF),采用滑移网格和动网格相结合的方法实现了带惯性力系的垂直轴叶轮数值模拟。

    According to the balanced force equation and balanced torque equation of blade , compiling UDF processing , and using FLUENT combined with user defined function ( UDF ), and the combined method of sliding grid and moving mesh , the vertical-axis tidal-current turbine with inertial force system is simulated .

  3. 某小型光电搜索平台力矩的平衡设计

    Method Eliminating Imbalanced Torque of Mini-platform for Photo-electrical Searching

  4. 改后配重与游梁连接由四销固定式连接为单轴挂靠式连接。直升机尾部的小旋翼&力矩的平衡

    The connection between the rear balance weight after the transformation and the beam is a single-shaft suspending-type connection . Balance of moment

  5. 该法既满足条块力和力矩的平衡,又符合边坡稳定问题的物理本质;

    This new method satisfies force and moment equilibrium conditions of slices and is consistent with the mechanical and physical aspects of the slope stability problem .

  6. 压缩机阻力矩的分析与计算;压缩机惯性力和惯性力矩的平衡。

    It includes analyzing the motions and forces of the moving parts , calculating the loading moments and balancing the inertia forces and moments of the compressors .

  7. 挖掘参数的设计涉及多方面的因素,其中主要有挖掘力、平衡重、轮距、底盘宽度以及工作装置自身的约束条件。其根本在于力矩的平衡。

    The design of digging parameter refers to many factors , for example digging force , back balance , tread , chassis width and the self constraint condition of work device .

  8. 平面机构惯性力和惯性力矩的综合平衡

    Integrated Balance of Inertia Force and Moment in Plane Mechanism

  9. 平面连杆机构震动力矩的谐波平衡

    Harmonic Balancing of the Shaking Moment of Planar Linkages

  10. 曲柄滑块机构振动力和力矩的附加平衡机构

    Additional balancing mechanism of shocking force and moment for crank and slider mechanism

  11. 含有移动副的平面机构摆动力与摆动力矩的完全平衡

    The complete balancing of pendular force and moment for plane mechanisms with shifting paris

  12. 最后讨论了Ben-net机构摆动力和摆动力矩的完全平衡条件及其实现方法。

    The complete balancing of shaking force and shaking moment of Bennett mechanism is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed approach .

  13. 空间连杆机构摆动力与摆动力矩的近似平衡高速自动镦锻机摆动力和摆动力矩平衡的设计方法

    Approximate Balancing of Shaking Force and Shaking Moment of Spatial Linkages Optimizing Design of Connecting Rod of Balance Mechanism of High Speed Automatic Upset Forging Machine

  14. 其基本思路是通过质量动替代的途径,将空间闭链机构摆动力和摆动力矩的完全平衡转化为空间树状链摆动力和摆动力矩的完全平衡。

    Using the mass dynamic substitution concept , the complete balancing of shaking force and shaking moment of closed loop spatial linkages may be reduced to that of open loop spatial kinematic chains .

  15. 同时建立球体运动的力和力矩的动态平衡方程,分析研磨压力、研磨盘转速和研磨条件对球体滚动、滑动运动状态的影响。

    The dynamic equilibrium equations of force and torque have been established , and the impact of lapping pressure , plate speed and lapping conditions to the movement state of the balls , which are rolling and sliding , is analysed .

  16. 它是根据被联接件间的摩擦力矩和工作力矩的平衡条件计算预紧力的。

    The method is based on the equilibrium conditions of frictional moment and loading moment between the connected parts .

  17. 机构动力学平衡主要指对机构震动力、震动力矩和输入转矩的平衡,机电一体化机构是指由伺服电机驱动的机构。

    Dynamic balancing of machines refers to balancing of shaking force , shaking moment and driving torque . Mechatronics mechanisms refer to mechanisms that are driven by servomotors .

  18. 根据该准则,对于多缸的摆盘式发动机,在主轴上附加两个平衡重即可对震动力、震动力矩进行近似的完全平衡。

    According to this criterion , the shaking force and shaking moment of multi-cylinder wobble-plate engines can be obtained approximately complete balancing by two counterweights attached to the mainshaft .