
  • 网络Petro Canada;canadian oil;PetroCanada
  1. 通用聚变公司从加拿大石油公司Cenovus和亚马逊(Amazon)CEO杰夫o贝佐斯等投资人那里融得3200万美元资金。

    General Fusion has raised $ 32 million from sources including the Canadian oil company Cenovus and Jeff Bezos , Amazon 's chief executive .

  2. 中国石油企业中海油(Cnooc)正在等待Cfius对它收购尼克森(Nexen)提议的决定。尼克森是一家加拿大石油公司,但在美国拥有部分资产。

    Chinese oil group Cnooc is awaiting a decision by Cfius on its proposed acquisition of Nexen , a Canadian oil company with some assets in the US .

  3. 亚洲最大的两个国家正为了获得对加拿大石油公司的控制权而争得不可开交。为了保证他们快速增长的经济发展,他们正在加速对能源的争夺。

    Asia 's biggest countries are locked in a battle for control of a Canadian oil company as they step up their scramble for energy assets to feed their fast-growing economies .

  4. 比如,2013年国有的中海油(Cnooc)付出创纪录的150亿美元收购加拿大最大石油公司之一尼克森(Nexen)后遭遇了麻烦。

    The state-owned oil company Cnooc , for example , ran into problems after it paid a record $ 15bn in 2013 for Nexen , one of Canada 's largest oil firms .

  5. 加拿大石油管道运输公司本周签署了同意更换运输路线的协议,表示会和内布拉斯加州的执法机构合作到底。

    TransCanada this week signalled its willingness to alter the pipeline 's route , saying it will work with the Nebraska legislature to that end .

  6. 与此同时,国务院的检察长正在着手选择与加拿大石油管道运输公司合作的公司,这家公司必须管理管道运输过程中对环境影响的检查。

    Moreover , the State Department 's own inspector-general is investigating its choice of a firm that does business with TransCanada to conduct a review of the pipeline 's environmental impact .

  7. 加拿大油砂开采巨头Suncor能源,同意斥资193亿加元(合158亿美元)收购其竞争对手加拿大石油公司。

    Suncor Energy , a big producer in Canada 's tar-sands industry , agreed to buy Petro-Canada , a rival , for C $ 19.3 billion ( $ 15.8 billion ) .