
  • 网络gaston;Guston;Gaston County
  1. 你再也不会收到加斯顿的来信了。

    You won 't hear from Gaston ever again .

  2. 你想像加斯顿一样生活?

    You wanna live like Gaston ? ( Hmmm ? )

  3. 秘鲁美食行业蓬勃发展,身为领军人物的秘鲁大厨加斯顿•阿克瑞奥(GastónAcurio)曾在2006年受邀参加利马一所顶级大学的开学典礼,当时很多学者对此颇有微词。

    When Gast ó n Acurio , the Peruvian chef who has been leading his country 's culinary boom , was invited to open the academic year at Lima 's top university in 2006 , many academics grumbled .

  4. 村里就这么几个人加斯顿我都见过他们

    It 's a small village Gaston I 've met them all

  5. 现在,要我给你上甘菊茶吗,加斯顿?

    Now , can I get you your chamomile tea , gaston ?

  6. 我是加斯顿大人而你野兽抢走了…

    I am sir Gaston , and you , beast , have taken

  7. 说实话我从没喜欢过加斯顿

    Honestly , I never really cared much for Gaston .

  8. 加斯顿,你知道我把你当作朋友。

    Gaston , you know my friendship for you .

  9. 现在呼叫加斯顿?梅尔先生。

    This is a call for Mr. Gaston Meyer .

  10. 你不会有好下场的加斯顿!

    You won 't get away with this Gaston !

  11. 我要和加斯顿聊聊。

    I have to talk to Gaston about something .

  12. 加斯顿你真的想杀莫里斯?

    Gaston , did you try to kill Maurice ?

  13. 加斯顿你难道看不出来吗?

    Madam Gaston can 't you just see it ?

  14. 加斯顿我们在一起是不会幸福的

    Gaston , we could never make each other happy

  15. 父亲加斯顿我意已决

    Father ... Gaston ... it 's been decided .

  16. 我永远都不会嫁给你的加斯顿

    I 'm never going to marry you Gaston

  17. 他不是怪物加斯顿!

    He 's not a monster , Gaston !

  18. 我陪加斯顿和琪琪来的。

    I came with Gaston and gigi .

  19. 当第二天加斯顿起床的时候,他的妻子已经离开了,没有做任何告别。

    When Gaston arose the next morning , his wife had already departed , without even saying farewell .

  20. 这是一道非常简单的汤,加斯顿说它适合冬天喝。

    This is a very simple soup , which Gaston says is suitable for a cold winter day .

  21. 她的追求者——野兽和加斯顿——将分别由英国影星丹?史蒂文斯和卢克?伊万斯扮演。

    Her suitors - the Beast and Gaston - are played by Brit stars Dan Stevens and Luke Evans .

  22. 她无法从他身上找到任何他丈夫加斯顿所具有的那种非常吸引人的出众才华和前程似锦的特质。

    She could discover in him none of those attractive brilliant and promising traits which Gaston , her husband , clearly had .

  23. 加斯顿牵起妻子的裙裾,搂住她的腰,愉快地看着她疑惑的眼睛。

    Gaston pulled the sleeve of his wife 's dress , gathered his arms around her waist and looked merrily into her troubled eyes .

  24. 令加斯顿高兴的是,他妻子终于不讨厌古韦内尔了,主动提出邀请他再来。

    To Gaston 's delight , his wife had finally overcome her dislike for Gouvernail and invited Gouvernail to visit them again wholly from herself .

  25. 他对钓鱼不感兴趣,并且在加斯顿提议出去猎杀野生动物时,也表现得毫无热情。

    He did not care to fish , and displayed no eagerness to go out and kill wild animals when Gaston proposed doing so . 4 .

  26. 每次来到种植园,他都喜欢坐在阴凉处,懒洋洋地抽着雪茄,专心倾听着加斯顿讲述自己作为甘蔗种植园主的经历。

    Once settled at the plantation , he liked to sit in the shade , smoking his cigar lazily and listening attentively to Gaston 's experience as a sugar planter .

  27. 与此同时,加斯顿回到村庄,他仍然试图使贝儿相信,如果她同意嫁给他,她就是镇上最幸运的女孩。

    Meanwhile , back in the village , Gaston was still trying to convince Belle that she would be the luckiest girl in town if she would agree to marry him .

  28. 2014年6月,多盖尔蒂穿上运动服,把订婚戒指塞进口袋,说自己想和加斯顿一起在纽约州Quogue市她的故乡跑步。

    In June 2014 , Mr. Dougherty threw on some workout clothes , slipped an engagement ring into his pocket and asked Ms. Gaston if he could join her for a run through her hometown , Quogue , N.Y.

  29. 古韦内尔来她家里再住上一段时间。加斯顿非常希望他能来,但因为妻子的反对没有成行。然而,在这一年的年底,她却主动提出邀请古韦内尔再次来家里做客。她的丈夫对她的建议感到惊讶和高兴。

    That is , Gaston greatly desired it ; but this desire lost to his wife 's strong opposition . 11 . However , before the year ended , she proposed , wholly from herself , to have Gouvernail visit them again . Her husband was surprised and delighted with the suggestion coming from her .