
dònɡ yuán huì
  • mobilization order
  1. 你说了你今天会来赛前动员会。

    You said you 'd be at the pep-rally today .

  2. 大家不要忘了放学后有赛前动员会知道吗?

    Don 't forget , everybody , pep rally after school , right ?

  3. 他去了周六晚的动员会了吗?

    Was he at the pep rally Saturday night ?

  4. 他去了赛前动员会没?

    Was coach Haas at the PEP rally ?

  5. 全家总动员会很有趣。

    It 's fun for the whole family .

  6. 在北方局党校整风动员会上的讲话

    Speech at the mobilization meeting on rectification in the Party School of the northern Bureau

  7. 张海涛副局长在全国有线数字广播影视业务试点工作动员会上的讲话

    Speech of Deputy Director Zhang Haitao at National Mobilization Meeting on Pilot Programs for Digital Cable Radio , Film and TV Services

  8. 动员会是给出场球员开的,我决定派兰帕德上场而不是年轻的麦克伍德,因为这样的比赛任务压力对首次亮相的他来说太重了。

    The meeting is for the people who are playing and I decided to play Lampard and not youngster Michael Woods because it would have been too much for him to start a game with that responsibility .

  9. 谢谢,今天是赛前动员,你会来对么?

    Thank you . it 's the pep-rally today . you 're coming right ?