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  • 【中医】Fu Shan
  1. 傅山的个性与其诗歌的主题取向

    Fu Shan 's Individual Character and the Theme Tendency of His Poems

  2. 傅山是中国近代很有影响的一位大学者。

    FuShan was a scholar with great influence in modern time in China .

  3. 傅山还对佛家的空泛论和实相说做了深刻批判,提出实相生三世的观点。

    Fu Shan also made a profound criticism of Buddhism the vague theory and reality theory .

  4. 傅山是晋阳文化孕育出的历史文化名人。

    Fushan is an historical and cultural celebrity who was given birth to by Jinyang culture .

  5. 杰出的书法家和理论家傅山是这场书风大变局中的一员主将。

    A dominant force in this school was the eminent calligrapher and art theorist Fu Shan ( 1607-1685 ) .

  6. 论17世纪启蒙思想家傅山的艺术审美理论及书法艺术启蒙美学与政治美学比较

    On the esthetic theory and calligraphy art of Fu Shan , enlightening ideologist of 17th century Comparison between Enlightening Aesthetics and Political Aesthetics

  7. 傅山对杜诗非常喜爱,其存佚杜诗研究著作即有五种之多。

    Fu Shan liked Du Fu 's poems very much , and he had written five book on Du Fu 's poetic works .

  8. 傅山以其气一元论的理气观推演出人性的自然,天赋,讴歌个体的本真,直率,反对奴性和奴俗气。人欲合理的理欲观。

    Fu Shan lays his gas monism on the concept of Qi to perform human nature , natural , eulogize the true , frank , and be angry against the servility tacky , formed the " Reasonable human desire " & the concept of Reason and Desire .