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  1. 第一部分为傅亮的家世。

    First part introduces the family background of Fu-Liang .

  2. 傅亮是活跃在晋宋之际政坛与文坛上的重要人物,在当时有着一定影响。

    Fu Liang was active in politics and literary world at Jin-Song Dynasty , he had some influence at the time .

  3. 傅亮的交游不广,带有很浓的政治色彩;仕途前期平顺,后期未得善终。

    Fu Liang Intercourse is not wide , with a very strong political overtone . Smooth early career , later without hospice .

  4. 文章试图对傅亮及其诗文作品做一个全面的整体研究。联系傅亮家世、刘宋时期士人的生存状态以及当时的文艺创作之风研究傅亮其人及作品,具有一定的学术意义。

    The article attempts to do a comprehensive overall research about Fu-Liang and his poetry works , which has considered the background of Fu-Liang , the living condition of scholars in Song-Liu dynasty , and other-s ' research about Fu-Liang and his works in Song-Liu dynasty .

  5. 后世对其研究较少,但傅亮的作品体裁多样、文笔兼善,章表等公文更是成为后代楷模,这些都是我们在研究中不可忽视的。

    Later generations on he studied less , however , the works of Fu Liang had various genres , Essay and Official article both are good . Official documents became a model for future generations , like Zhang , Biao , etc. These are not ignored in the study .