
  1. 随着东部经济发达地区劳动力要素价格上涨,产业结构调整等因素的影响,部分FDI流入安徽,形成了近年来难得的高速增长。

    With the increase of labor prices in coastal developed areas and the adjustment of industrial structure , some FDI have been inflowing in Anhui , which results in a rare accelerating growth in recent years .

  2. 因此房价水平的高低变化使劳动力要素流向不同方向。

    Therefore , housing-price movement makes labor transfer in different directions .

  3. 资本要素包含物质要素和劳动力要素。

    Capital elements contain material elements and labor force elements .

  4. 城乡经济社会发展差距劳动力要素研究

    City and town economy social development distance labor factor research

  5. 论劳动力要素的资本化分配模式

    On the Pattern of Capitalized Distribution of Key Labor Elements

  6. 因为这些都是相对包含劳动力要素较低的商品。

    S.since these are both relatively low labor content goods .

  7. 对银川市劳动力要素与经济增长关系的实证分析

    The Econometrical Analysis of the Relationship between Labor Factor and Economic Growth in Yinchuan

  8. 内部市场整个再生产过程的顺利进行依赖于稳定的劳动力要素投入和商品需求。

    The reproduction process of Internal Market relies on stable labour input and product demand .

  9. 劳动力要素市场,相对于产品市场和资本市场,又具有其独特性质。

    Market of labor force factor , compared with product or capital market , embodies its particular features .

  10. 对我国农业有不利影响,也使劳动力要素配置效率低下,农民工利益流失,城市化推进困难。

    It 's hard to urbanize because of bad influence on agriculture , benefits loss of farmers and workers .

  11. 我国农村劳动力要素流动与城乡协调发展科技能力是一个系统概念,它的根植性和不完全流动性使其具有区位要素的特征。

    Chinese Rural Labor Migration and Coordinative Development between Urban and Rural S & T capability is a systematic concept .

  12. 对于行业规模较小的地区,产业的转出反而能提高当地劳动力要素配置效率。

    For the areas with smaller industry , Industry roll-out instead can improve the efficiency of local labor elements configuration .

  13. 从民工潮到民工荒&农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲现象剖析

    From " Waves of Peasant-laborers " to " Shortage of Peasant-laborers "── An Analysis of Distorted Price of Factor Labor

  14. 在现代国家和区域经济增长中,劳动力要素的重要性越来越明显。

    In the modern national and regional economic growth , the factor of labor plays a more and more important role .

  15. 学科劳动力要素&人是推动学科生产的原动力。

    And people , the element for discipline productivity , are the original work force for the promotion of disciplinary production .

  16. 对平谷区116个农户的劳动力要素和资本要素投入进行了分析。

    The author also analysed the labor and capital inputs based on the questionnaire surveys data from 116 farmer 's households .

  17. 本文利用具有面板数据模型形式的成本函数,分析资本和劳动力要素投入对企业规模收益及经营效率的影响程度。

    The paper employs cost function of panel data model to analyze how capital and labor affect returns to scale and efficiency .

  18. 劳动力要素的流动是均衡配置区间资源的重要途径,对区域经济发展产生重大影响。

    Labor factor mobility is an important way to achieve balanced resources allocation , which has a significant impact on regional economic development .

  19. 从产业层面上看,外资在江苏省工业部门各行业产生了显著的行业内溢出效应,但其对内资企业总产出的贡献仍然小于内资企业的资本与劳动力要素投入。

    Inter-industrially FDI create more technical spillover effect , but its contribution to Jiangsu domestic companies is lower than capital and labor elements .

  20. 针对以上问题,近期内应着力发展非正规就业与灵活就业,促进劳动力要素的流动,加强待就业人员的职业技能培训和就业指导。

    Measures against this situation can be informal and flexible employment , promoting labor factor fluxion , enhancing professional skill training and employment instruction .

  21. 劳动力要素在货币区内各国或地区之间的跨境流动性是货币合作机制得以长期巩固和发展的决定性基础。

    Free movement of labor factor among the members of monetary area is the foundation of the long-term consolidation and development of monetary cooperation .

  22. 对提高劳动者素质,努力实现劳动力要素的充分就业,促进社会稳定具有现实而积极的意义。

    To have actual and positive significance for upgrading the labour diathesis , endeavor to realize full employment of labour element and accelerate social stabilization .

  23. 劳动力要素迁移、产业区位分工是突破瓶颈制约,推动长三角协调发展的重要途径。

    Labor migration and industrial division are an important way to break through the bottleneck and to promote the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta .

  24. 改革开放初期,我国劳动力要素价格的扭曲存在政策上的故意。

    In the beginning of Reform and opening up , economic policy is one of the reasons that lead to the distortions of labor factor price .

  25. 处于非前沿面的石油公司存在较为严重的投入冗余或者产出不足,而投入要素中劳动力要素的浪费程度最高。

    There are serious of redundancy or lack output in some non-frontier companies , a waste of human capital is in the highest degree among input elements .

  26. 从劳动力要素、资金要素、技术要素三个方面对区域经济元进行比较分析,为区域经济元之间的合作奠定了理论基础。

    The comparison and analysis of the three aspects : workforce , funding and technology formed the basis of the theory of cooperation between the regional economy unit .

  27. 结果表明,资本要素和劳动力要素的扭曲程度均与国有资本所占企业实收资本的比重负相关。

    The consequence shows that distortion degrees of capital factors and labor force factors have a negative correlation with the proportion that state-owned capital accounts for enterprise paid-in capital individually .

  28. 刻意降低劳动力要素价格的经济政策削弱了价格调节资源配置的杠杆作用、破坏了市场的自由竞争体制。

    The economic policy of distorting price of factor labor reduced the leverage effect of price in adjusting resource allocation and destroyed the system of free competition in the market .

  29. 入世后的上海外来流动人口管理机制,必须满足劳动力要素市场化配置和人才资源自由流动的要求;

    The exotic shifting population administration mechanism in Shanghai after the entry into WTO must meet the demand of the deployment of labor element market and free flow of talent resources ;

  30. 转变经济增长方式将使支持经济增长速度的要素发生改变,劳动力要素也不可避免地受到影响。

    To change the economy growth way will make it easy for the factor supporting the economy growth speed to vary , so the factor of labor force will be effected inevitably .