- incorporating by stock floatation;forming by stock flotation

A company limited by shares established by the offer method must make public its financial statements .
Article 78 A joint stock limited company may be established by ways of promotion or stock floatation .
For a company limited by shares which is established by the offer method ; the approval documents issued by the securities administration authorities of the State Council shall also be submitted ;
Establishment by the offer method means establishment of a company by the subscription by the promoters of part of the shares to be issued by a company and a public offer of the remaining part of the shares .
Prospectus , if the company is established through subscription .
Such companies can be established by means of sponsoring or fund raising .
The articles of association are formulated by the initiators , and are adopted at the establishment meeting if the company is to be launched by stock floatation ;
Where a joint stock limited company is established by stock floatation , its registered capital shall be the total actually paid capital stock as registered in the company registration authority .
By the end of Oct. 2002 , there are 54 pieces of closed-funds founded , which have collected 81.7 billion Yuan , and 12 pieces of opened-funds founded , which have collected 42 billion Yuan .
Private placement fund is the fund that is collected from a given group in a nonpublic way .
Private placement Fund is one kind of investment funds , which is not through strict registration and collect capital in several invest institution and rich individual clandestinely .