
huà xué tōnɡ xùn
  • chemical communication
  1. 空气传播的Ocimene能作为一种气传信号分子,在不同的植物体之间起着化学通讯的作用。

    Airborne Ocimene , as a signaling molecule , plays a role in chemical communication between different fronds .

  2. 麝腓腺生长发育与化学通讯机能的探讨

    Studies on growth and development and chemical communication function of fibula gland of Moschus

  3. 蜜蜂信息素与蜂群内化学通讯的研究进展

    Advance in honeybee chemical ecology chemical communication and pheromones

  4. 低致死剂量杀虫剂处理幼虫后对成蛾化学通讯系统的影响

    Effects of Larval Treatment with Low Lethal Insecticides on Chemical Communication Systems of Lepidopteran Moths

  5. 拟除虫菊酯类杀虫剂对棉铃虫雌蛾化学通讯系统的影响

    Effects of pyrethroid insecticides on chemical communication system of female cotton bollworm , Helicoverpa armigera

  6. 植物-昆虫间的化学通讯及其行为控制

    Plant-insect Chemical Communication and Its Behavior Control

  7. 鱼类的化学通讯

    Chemical communication of fish

  8. 通过综合研究物理通讯和化学通讯环节的结果来确定这两种通讯方式之间的关系。

    The results from the physical and chemical phases were combined to determine the relationship between these two communication methods .

  9. 为抵抗自然界中的各种逆境,植物能发生广泛的化学通讯现象。

    The extensive chemical communication phenomenon can be conducted in the plants in order to resist various kinds of stress in the nature .

  10. 本文综述了植物在各种生物性逆境和非生物性逆境条件下产生化学通讯机制的研究进展。

    The advances in the chemical communication mechanism of plant under the different biological stress and abiotic stress were reviewed in this paper .

  11. 从生理遗传学角度研究植物化学通讯机制是今后的主要研究方向。

    It is the main research direction in the future to determine the chemical communication mechanism of plants in the regard of the physiological heredity .

  12. 在植物与昆虫间的化学通讯中植物气味物质起着决定性的作用,它调控着昆虫的多种行为,诸如引诱昆虫趋向寄主植物,刺激昆虫取食,引导昆虫选择产卵场所,进行传粉和防御昆虫等。

    Plant volatile chemicals play a decisive role in the plant insect chemical communication , and regulating insect behaviors , such as attracting insect toward host plant , promoting insect feeding or orienting insect to oviposition site or pollination of flowers and defense .

  13. Wiener指标在理论化学和通讯网络中有大量的应用。自二十世纪七十年代以来,Wiener指标已得到广泛的研究,并得到了许多新的结果。

    The Wiener index is widely used in the fields of chemistry and communication network and has been extensively studied since the middle of 1970s.Many new results are obtained .

  14. 评述了小蠹科昆虫化学信息通讯的复杂性和种间多样性,小蠹虫利它素、利己素和信息素在寄主树木选择、入侵、定居和繁殖中的行为调控机制。

    This paper reviewed the status of complex and interspecies diversity of Bark Beetles chemical communication , discussed the behavior regulation mechanism of kairomones , allomones and pheromones in the host selection , attack , colonization and reproduction of Bark Beetles .

  15. 对与飞秒激光技术相关的几个新兴学科,如飞秒激光物理学、飞秒激光化学、飞秒光孤子通讯和飞秒电子学给予概括评述。

    The new relative subjects , such as femtosecond laser physics , femtosecond laser chemistry , femtosecond optical soliton communication and femtosecond electronics , were reviewed .

  16. 将这项研究结果发表在《美国化学学会·能源通讯》上的研究人员给金质纳米线包了一层壳,并用树脂玻璃之类的凝胶薄层进行包裹。

    The researchers , whose findings are published in the American Chemical Society 's Energy Letters , have coated gold nanowires in manganese dioxide and cocooned them in a Plexiglas-like gel .

  17. 表面具有微细结构的塑料平板制件一聚合物平板微器件,可广泛应用于生命、化学分析、光学通讯等领域。

    Flat polymer micro-device is plastic plate part with micro structures , which is widely applied in life science , chemical analysis , optical communication , etc. Micro injection molding is an important manufacturing method for flat polymer micro-devices .

  18. 概括了蜜蜂化学生态学的主要研究内容和领域,重点评述了蜂群内的化学通讯和蜜蜂信息素研究的进展。

    The basic contents and main fields of honeybee chemical ecology were summarized in the review , focused on the achievements and advances in the studies on chemical communication and pheromones of honeybees in colony .