
  • Beijing West Railway Station;Beijing West Station;Beijing West Terminal
  1. 北京西站至雄安新区间最快旅行时间50分钟,大兴机场至雄安新区间最快19分钟可达。

    Passengers can take high-speed trains from Beijing West Railway Station directly to Xiong'an New Area with the shortest commuting time at 50 minutes . The journey between Beijing Daxing International Airport and Xiong'an will be about 19 minutes .

  2. 北京西站通廊混凝土框架结构的检测鉴定与加固

    Test Appraiser and Reinforcement of Concrete Frame Structure of Beijing West Railway Station Corridor

  3. 在强度检测的基础上应用有限元软件ANSYS建立北京西站通廊混凝土框架结构的有限元模型,对结构在新增荷载作用下的承载力进行复核。

    Based on the test results , a finite element model of this frame structure was built in the commercial analysis package ANSYS , and the bearing capacity to the additional loading is numerically checked .

  4. 北京西站工程概貌及设计特点

    Highlights and design features of Beijing Railway West Station

  5. 对北京西站人群流动特点进行数据统计分析。

    Beijing West Railway Station crowd flow on the characteristics of statistical analysis .

  6. 北京西站北站房主楼抗震设计与研究

    Aseismic Design and Research of the Main Terminal Building of Beijing West Railway Station

  7. 没错!是北京西站。

    Yes , this is Beijing West Station .

  8. 北京西站选址及总体布局北京西站主站房建筑风荷载模拟实验研究

    Simulation Test of Wind Load Characteristics of the Main Terminal Building of Beijing West Railway Station

  9. 北京西站主站房装饰工程概况及主要施工工艺

    A Brief Account and Essential Construction Technology of the Beijing Railway Western Station 's Main Building Decoration Project

  10. 北京西站主钢亭仿古结构施工工艺

    Construction Technology for the Main Steel Pavilion in Imitation of Ancient Structure of the Beijing Western Railway Station

  11. 北京西站紫藤招待所是全国最大的铁路招待所!可接待团体及个人住宿!

    Beijing West station wistaria hostel is the largest railway guest houses ! Groups and individuals may receive accommodation !

  12. 来自大京九的报道北京西站北站房主楼抗震设计与研究

    Report from Beijing - (?) owtoon Railway Aseismic Design and Research of the Main Terminal Building of Beijing West Railway Station

  13. 为了缓解由于乘客激增所带来的拥堵,北京西站将开通更多的临时列车。

    Beijing West Stations says it will introduce more temporary trains to ease the congestion caused by the soaring numbers of passengers .

  14. 在北京西站待上一个小时,你就一定能感受到在人群中的虚无与渺小!

    Stay at the Beijing West Station for an hour , and you are sure to feel the nothingness among the crowds .

  15. 北京西站天桥I段钢桁架工程试拼装新工艺铁路枢纽与城市交通系统的整合研究&成都铁路枢纽为城市服务的实施方案


  16. 当空中列车在晚上9:30从北京西站始发的时候,16节车厢里的每一寸地方都被占用了。

    As the Sky Train departs Beijing West Railway Station at9:30 p.m. , there isn 't an inch of unclaimed real estate in the train's16carriages .

  17. 本星期五下午作为今年春运高峰的开始,这辆满载旅客的临时列车从北京西站出发了。

    A packed temporary passenger train set off from Beijing West Railway Station on Friday afternoon , as the transport peak for the2007 Spring Festival kicked off .

  18. 滞留在北京西站的乘客说他们为了程上返乡的火车,已经在车站等了一个多星期。

    Some train travelers at the Beijing West Rail Station say they have been waiting for more than a week to get on a train and return home .

  19. 详细介绍了北京站至北京西站地下直径线工程概况,运用安全系统工程理论,具体分析其安全管理好的方面与不足之处。

    I take underground diameter line project from Beijing Railway Station to Beijing West Railway Station as an example . I give a detailed introduction to its general construction situation and concretely analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the safety management with safety system construction theories .

  20. 京九铁路(北京——九龙铁路)北起北京西站,跨越京、津、冀、鲁、豫、皖、鄂、赣、粤九省市的98个市县,南至深圳,连接香港九龙,全长2397千米。

    Jngjiu Railway ( also known as Beijing-Kowloon Railway ) connects Beijing West Station in Beijing to Shenzhen Station in Shenzhen , Guang-dong Province . It then follows the rail-link between Shenzhen to the special admin-strative region of Hong Kong to Hung Hom Station ( Kowloon Station ) in Kowloon .

  21. 阐述了目前北京铁路枢纽客运能力的紧张状况及修建北京西站的现实意义;

    The paper briefs the insufficient heavy passenger traffic capacity of the Beijing Railway Junction and the practical significance of building the west station .

  22. 22岁的李晨曦(音译)是来自北京外国语大学英语学院的一名大四学生,她家住北京西站附近,因此希望就近就业。

    Li Chenxi , 22 , a senior student from the School of English and International Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University , lives near Beijing West Railway Station and hopes to find a job nearby .