
  1. 我感激你,北方的河。

    I am grateful to you , rivers of the north .

  2. 《北方的河》与《老人与海》之比较

    Comparison between River in the North and Old Man and the Sea

  3. 个人理想主义和英雄主义&评析张承志《北方的河》

    Personal Idealism and Heroism in " North River " by Zhang Chengzhi ;

  4. 我就是我,我的北方的河应当是幻想的河,热情的河,青春的河。

    I am myself , and my rivers of the north must be rivers of fantasy , rivers of zeal , rivers of youth .

  5. 十二岁的小女孩找到了她的岩石,华北找到了他的胜利,你找到了你的北方的河。

    The twelve-year-old girl has found her boulder , Huabei has found his victory , and you have found your rivers of the north .

  6. 我感激你,他想,我永远感激你,北方的河,你滋润了我的生命。

    I am grateful to you , he thought . I shall always be grateful to you , rivers of the north ; you bedewed my life .

  7. 2014年,大荒漠打算在北方的Hoanib河流域开设Hoanib骷髅海岸营。

    In 2014 , Wilderness Safaris also plans to open the Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp , on the Hoanib River in the north .

  8. 我对那些北方大地上的河感情深重,对那儿的空气水土和人民风俗,对那个苍茫淳朴的世界一往情深。

    My feelings are profound for the rivers of China 's great north , for the air , water , earth and the folkways of that vast and unsullied world .