
  • 网络regional competitiveness
  1. 基于GIS的湖北省小麦区域竞争力研究

    On Regional Competitiveness of Hubei Wheat Based on GIS

  2. 长江三角洲长江经济带区域竞争力研究基于IMD国际竞争力评价的经验分析

    The Research of Regional Competitiveness of Changjiang Delta and Changjiang Economic Zone : the Analysis of Experiences of IMD Competitiveness Evaluation

  3. TPP的国家已同意包括新的承诺,以加强国内各缔约方的经济和区域竞争力和促进本地区的经济一体化。

    The TPP countries have agreed to include new commitments to enhance the domestic and regional competitiveness of each Party 's economy and promote economic integration in the region .

  4. 企业集群:提升区域竞争力的战略选择

    Cluster of Enterprises : The Tactic Choice of Improving Regional Competitiveness

  5. 企业集群发展与河南省区域竞争力问题研究

    Study on the Industrial Clusters and Regional Competitiveness of Henan Province

  6. 是提升区域竞争力的重要方式。

    It 's an important way for raise competitive power .

  7. 我国华东地区省市区域竞争力的因子分析评价研究

    The Factors Model Evaluation on Regional Competitiveness in East China

  8. 知识联盟对区域竞争力影响的探讨

    On the influence of intellectual alliance upon regional competition power

  9. 我国软件外包产业的区域竞争力实证分析

    An Empirical Research on the Regional Competitiveness for China Software Outsourcing Industry

  10. 文化产业对提高区域竞争力起着至关重要的作用。

    Cultural industry plays a crucial role in enhancing regional competition power .

  11. 区域竞争力的指标体系研究

    Studying for the Index System of the Region Competitiveness

  12. 信息产业的全球化态势与中国区域竞争力

    A Trend of Globalization of Information Industry and Regional Competitive Power in China

  13. 中原文化与河南区域竞争力关系研究

    Study on the relationship between central plain culture and regional competitiveness of Henan

  14. 产业结构优化与区域竞争力的构建

    The Optimization of Industrial Structure and the Building of the Region Competitive Capability

  15. 知识溢出、集群学习、区域竞争力提升效应

    Knowledge Spillovers , Learning Clusters , Regional Competitiveness Effect

  16. 产业集群的竞争优势与区域竞争力

    Competitive Advantages of Industrial Cluster and Regional Competitiveness

  17. 人才要素区域竞争力评价模型

    Evaluation model of regional competition ability of talents

  18. 区域竞争力是指区域的资源配置能力。

    Firstly , the region competitive capability is the ability of the resource distribution ;

  19. 影响高技术产业集群对区域竞争力弹性系数的因素。

    Factors Influence the elasticity of high-tech industry cluster competitiveness to regional economy competitiveness .

  20. 产业集群是提升产业竞争力和区域竞争力的一条有效途径,工业园区的发展有赖于产业集群的形成;

    Industry clusters is a valid path to promote the industry and district competition .

  21. 近年来,高新技术产业已经逐渐成为区域竞争力的表现。

    In recent years , high-tech industry has gradually become a regional competitive performance .

  22. 区域竞争力的有关理论探讨

    Discussion on the Model of Regional Competitiveness

  23. 区域竞争力研究方法探讨

    Probe of Study Method of Regions Competitiveness

  24. 事实证明,产业集群对于提升产业竞争力和区域竞争力有着非常重要的意义。

    Industry cluster has played a big role in promoting the industry and district competition .

  25. 区域竞争力中的政府诚信问题研究

    The Study of Government 's Credit-worthiness in Regional Competitiveness The Research of Government Integrity in China

  26. 长三角与珠三角的制造业结构与区域竞争力比较

    Comparison with Structural and Regional Competitiveness of Manufacture in Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta

  27. 目前,普遍认可的提升产业和区域竞争力的重要途径之一,即是发展项目群战略。

    One of the widely acknowledged effective ways to upgrade regional competitiveness is the program strategy .

  28. 从国际比较看区域竞争力的发展路径

    Developmental Path of Regional Competition Ability as Viewed from the Perspective of Comparisons Made with other Countries

  29. 产业集群是作为提高生产力的商业环境以及区域竞争力和创新的决定因素而提出的。

    Industry cluster is a new concept as a decisive factor of business environment and regional competitiveness .

  30. 地区产业集群的发展是提升区域竞争力,推动区域经济的有效组织形式。

    The development of regional industrial clusters is an effective institution that will improve a regional competitive power .