
  1. 针对区域综合运输通道交通供给和需求量大,出行方式多,各出行方式竞争激烈的特点。

    Regional comprehensive corridor takes on the characteristics of heavy transport demand and supply and many travel modes ; meanwhile , competition is severe among different travel modes .

  2. 区域综合运输通道出行结构的配置问题,其本质是一个决策问题,决策的指标包括经济效益、财务效益、可持续发展和系统最优。

    The essential of the trip structure configuration of regional integrated transportation corridor is a decision problem , the indexes of which include economic benefit , financial benefit , sustainable development and system optimum .

  3. 为了避免各出行方式之间存在恶性竞争,扰乱运输市场的正常秩序,建立了区域综合运输通道协同的多目标非线性规划数学模型。

    In order to avoid vicious competition among different travel modes so that transportation market is disturbed , multi-objective and nonlinear programming model is built up , which is based on the maximization of unity of traveler .

  4. 为了对区域综合运输通道内的客运市场进行细分,论文引入了因子分析法对影响市场细分的变量进行降维处理,降低因子数量和因子之间的相关性。

    In order to segment passenger market of regional comprehensive transportation corridor , Factor analysis is introduced to reduce the dimensions of the variables that affect market segmentation and reduce the number of factors and correlation of different factors .

  5. 指出区域综合运输通道客运系统是服务城市群和都市圈范围内,在某一狭长地带行成的具有多用交通方式共同协作,为区域提供旅客运输服务的交通运输走廊。

    This paper points out that the passenger system of regional comprehensive transportation corridor is corridor that serves within the scopes of urban agglomeration and metropolitan region , which is composed by different kinds of transportation modes within a narrow area . 2 .