
  • 网络Regional Currency;local currency
  1. 对区域货币效率的Granger检验与自回归分析

    Granger test and autoregressive analysis on monetary efficiency in region

  2. 一种全新的区域货币合作形式初探&类似SDR的货币创造

    A New Cooperation of Regional Currency : SDR

  3. 而作为已经加入WTO同时又是东亚最大发展中国家的中国,应该积极参与东亚区域货币合作,并针对这一趋势做出适当的对策选择。

    China , as the biggest developing country in East Asia who has joined WTO , should actively participate the East Asian monetary cooperation as well as to make the appropriate choice concerning measures in the trend of monetary cooperation .

  4. 要改变这种非均衡状态,应建立单一的储备货币体系、重新分配特别提款权(SDR)、加强区域货币合作和加强国际储备管理。

    These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .

  5. 本文以VAR模型分析包括中国在内的9个东亚国家与地区总需求冲击和总供给冲击的对称性,并通过与欧洲经验数据的比较,判断东亚实现区域货币联盟的可行性。

    The paper analyses the symmetry in aggregate demand shocks and aggregate supply shocks in nine Asian countries and regions including China with VAR approach , and assesses the feasibility for east Asia to realize regional monetary union on the basis of comparison with European experience .

  6. 论文最后指出,基于运用OCA指数法对东亚国家进行的实证分析,可以看出东亚地区进行区域货币合作的整体成本还是比较小的。

    Paper is pointed out that the OCA index method based on the application of east Asian countries , the empirical analysis , it can be seen that the east Asia regional monetary cooperation of the overall cost or smaller .

  7. 区域货币一体化下的亚洲货币合作机制研究

    The Study On Asian Mechanism Of Monetary Cooperation in Economic Integration

  8. 东亚区域货币合作及其机制研究

    Regional Monetary Cooperation in East Asia and It 's Cooperative Mechanism

  9. 货币需求实证分析与区域货币政策建议

    Monetary Demand Positivistic Analysis and Suggestions on Regional Monetary Policy

  10. 人民币汇率变动趋势及其对区域货币合作的影响

    Volatility of RMB and its Impact on Regional Currency Cooperation

  11. 区域货币资金与西北大开发

    The Regional Currency And The Development Of The Northwest China

  12. 浅论中国&东盟区域货币一体化

    A Remark on the Monetary Integration of China-ASEAN Region

  13. 东亚区域货币一体化研究

    A Research on Monetary Integration of East Asia Area

  14. 论区域货币政策及在长三角经济一体化中的应用

    On the Regional Monetary Policy and Its Application the Long Triangular Economic Integration

  15. 西部大开发需要金融政策的支持,调整区域货币失衡的金融政策有:差别存款准备金政策;

    The development in the west area calls for the support of financial strategy .

  16. 欧元的成功启动,使国际货币体系产生了巨大的变革,它是20世纪国际金融领域的伟大创举,它将关于区域货币一体化的梦想变成了现实。

    The successful introduction of European dollar caused great changes to international monetary system .

  17. 从现金漏损看区域货币政策

    Regional monetary policy on cash loss and leaking

  18. 论国际区域货币合作

    On the Monetary Cooperation among the International Areas

  19. 亚洲区域货币一体化探讨

    Exploration on the Monetary Integration of Asia Area

  20. 新世纪的东亚区域货币合作:中国的地位与作用

    East Asian Regional Monetary Cooperation in the New Century : China 's Status and Influence

  21. 本章重点分析了东亚区域货币合作的必要性与可行性。

    This chapter analyzes the necessity and feasibility of Monetary Cooperation of East Asia selectively .

  22. 本文对东亚区域货币合作的具体措施进行了探讨,指出东亚区域货币合作的具体措施应包括三方面内容:首先是建立制度化的信息沟通与政策协调机制;

    The paper discusses the specific measures of East Asian regional currency and monetary cooperation .

  23. 一直以来,区域货币合作就是国际金融领域关注的焦点问题之一。

    Since , regional monetary cooperation is the focus of the international financial sector issues .

  24. 区域货币能够消除抑制增长和令投资者退却的汇率波动。

    A regional currency could eliminate exchange-rate gyrations that hold back growth and scare investors .

  25. 建立区域货币联盟,有助于增强地区金融的稳定性。

    The establishment of a regional monetary union , helps to strengthen regional financial stability .

  26. 澜湄次区域货币兑换障碍问题研究

    Currency Exchange Barriers in Lancang River-Mekong Sub-region

  27. 欧洲和美洲的区域货币一体化成果使区域货币一体化成为国际货币制度的发展趋向。

    As the regional monetary integration becomes the developing trend of the international currency system .

  28. 区域货币合作是布雷顿森林体系解体后出现的新事物。

    Regional monetary cooperation is a new thing emerged after disorganization of Bretton Wodds System .

  29. 文章从金融层面考察,分析了区域货币资金失衡的具体原因。

    Viewing the disequilibrium of regional capital at financial angle , we can find several reasons .

  30. 第三部分,剖析了我国区域货币资金分布不均衡的原因。

    The third part , studying the reasons that make the district currency fund distribute unbalanced .