
  • 网络very happy
  1. 显而易见,巧克力能使我们十分开心。

    For obvious reasons , chocolate makes us very happy .

  2. 贪心的大臣收到礼物,十分开心,也明白了讨好贩马商的价值。

    The gift made him very happy , so that he saw the value of pleasing the horse dealer .

  3. 康妮:嗯,我知道你在WEFL干得不是十分开心。

    Connie : Well , I know you 're not completely happy here at WEFL .

  4. 去年,当他们引进瑞贝卡(Rebecca)还有始祖家族的时候,我十分开心。因为这给了我们一个机会去看看克劳斯新的一面,去看看他与在乎的人、亲近的人相处的方式。

    Last year , when they brought in Rebekah and the family , I was very pleased because it gave us a chance to see a new side of Klaus , to see the way he is with people he cares about , people he 's close to .

  5. 孩子们玩电子游戏玩得十分开心。

    The children have lots of fun plating the vedio games .

  6. 那天晚上,我们聊天,喝饮料,吃美食,过得十分开心。

    we drank , we ate.We had ourselves a great time .

  7. 能谈一下可能的优惠,我们是十分开心的。

    We 're certainly happy to talk about possible discounts .

  8. 这个囚犯会使斟酒人十分开心。

    This prisoner will make the cupbearer very glad .

  9. 我兜风兜得十分开心。

    I 'm enjoying my ride on the bus .

  10. 斯蒂文和朋友们在拉风的香蕉车里举起双臂,十分开心。

    Steve Braithwaite with friends hold their hands up in the banana car .

  11. 我初次看到你俩一起时,就十分开心。

    When I first saw you together , I was so happy about it .

  12. 这男子有了新玩具十分开心。

    The boy was in ( the ) seventh heaven with the new toys .

  13. 当我十分开心地织袜子时,

    And when I was excited about knitting ,

  14. 但我和妹妹十分开心。

    Yet my sister and I were happy .

  15. 表明你现在十分开心。

    This indicates that you are happy .

  16. 毫不疑问你在舞会上会玩得十分开心。

    It 's doubtless that you 'll have a good time at the dance party .

  17. 她的故事逗得那些小孩十分开心。

    Her story amused the children greatly .

  18. 明天我过得十分开心!

    I live very happily today !

  19. 在他的大部分职业生涯中,他在私生活上的缺乏自律令共和党的竞选募款人十分开心。

    For most of his career , the indiscipline of his private life delighted Republican fund-raisers .

  20. 离开演唱会后,原来外面正在下著雪,虽然路好滑,但十分开心。

    After we left the hall , we were happily could see the snow falling outside .

  21. 孩子们会拿着自制的或买来的灯笼在街上闲逛,十分开心。

    Children will hold self-made or bought lanterns to stroll with on the streets , extremely excited .

  22. 她和观众们进行互动,还说了不少轻松的笑话,她的观众十分开心。

    She interacted with the audience and threw out quite a few of jokes that deeply pleased her audience .

  23. 在广东职场,人民币升值让在这里工作的港人高级打工人员十分开心。

    Guangdong job market , RMB appreciation to the work of the people here are very happy senior working staff .

  24. 这是米开朗琪罗的圣母怜子雕像,这里的圣母玛丽与耶稣同龄而且都十分开心,无忧无虑。

    that 's Michelangelo 's Pieta , where Mary is the same age as Jesus and they 're both awfully happy and pleasant .

  25. 他对此感到十分开心,因为他做了他认为对的事情,知道这些使他感觉很好。

    he was really happy about it because he did what he thought was right and it makes him feel good to know that .

  26. 听到有球迷的支持我十分开心,当我听带为我唱歌时,我兴奋不已。

    It gave me pleasure to hear the support of the fans , when I hear the chant dedicated to me I get goosebumps .

  27. 因为我自己都很喜欢这故事,所以得知有人买了这小说改编做电影,我都十分开心。

    I myself love this story very much too , so I definitely felt very happy when I knew that they wanted to adapt it .

  28. 在度过毫无方向的几年后,我在比利时成为了一名自由职业翻译,有一个很漂亮的公寓,过得十分开心。

    After a few directionless years I have become a self-employed translator in Belgium , where I have a lovely flat and am very happy .

  29. 只要每个周末能和妻子、孩子们好好相处一段时间,他就十分开心了。

    As long as he gets to spend some quality time with his wife and kids on weekends , he 'll be happy as a clam .

  30. 据报道,现年32岁的碧昂斯已怀孕,并十分开心。这对夫妇从今年二月份开始就开始准备怀孕。

    The 32-year-old reportedly came to know about her pregnancy and is happy about it . The couple has been trying to conceive since February 2014 , OK !